WEEK 7 - Political Participation and Pressure Groups Flashcards
What is Political Participation?
Citizens aiming to influence decision-making process.
Is active Political Participation always a good thing?
Do we want everyone to take part.
View of Special Interest V The Will of the people.
- The will of the people can become perverted and self interested (miners strike)
- What the people want can become muddy when politicians exploit the will of the people for their special interests (Farage: Brexit)
What is Rosseau’s view on political participation?
Democractic Participation as a means via which individuals achieve freedom
What is Almond and Verba’s (1963) view on political participation?
‘Civic Culture’ most conductive to stable democracy.
Political culture connects individual attitudes with overall political system.
What is Putnam’s (1994) view on political participation?
Presence of ‘Civic Community’ creates strong,responsive, effective representative institutions
(Social Capital)
What is Epistemic/ Deliberative Democracy?
Political discussion among (representative) sample of citizens
What are the features of Deliberative Democracy?
- Open, reasoned deliberation
- Mutual Understanding
- Common Interest
- Involvement
But there are practical issues (How do you get this to work)
What are the alternative views on political participation?
Schumpeter (1943)
Hibbbing and Theiss-Morse (2002)
What is Schumpeter’s view on political participation?
‘The typical citizen drops down to a lower level of mental performance as soon as he enters the political field. He argues and analyses in a way that he would recognize as infantile within the sphere of his real interests. He becomes a primitive again.’
Essentially, give regular people political power they become stupid
What is Hibbing and Theiss-Moore’s view on political participation?
Not far behind “giving more power to selfish elites” on the list of disliked political procedures is “getting more personally involved” .
-People hate to get more involved
What is Milbrath and Goel’s view on patterns of participation?
Political efficacy and participation is unequally distributed
-There is three types of political participation. Gladiators (i.e Politicians), Spectators (i.e Voting) and Apathetics
With Gladiators being the least participated.
- There’s a correlation between participation and social background
- Apathy could be seen as a sign of satisfaction and well-functioning democracy
What are Interest Groups (Pressure Groups)?
Non-governmental organisations which seek to influence public policy
What are some features of Pressure Groups?
- Typically Narrow issue focused
- Can exert influence from the outside (Outsider Group)
- Protective and Promotional Groups
- Insider and Outsider Groups
What are some channels of access for Pressure Groups?
- Political Parties
- Mass Media
- International
What’s the forms of interest group competition and organisation?
- Pluralism
- Corporatism
What is the Pluralist model behind Pressure Groups?
- Power is/should be fragmented and widely dispersed
- Interests compete on a ‘free market’ basis
- No formalised role in decision-making process
- State as neutral arbiter.
Essentially, the state listens to all pressure groups
What the critique behind the Pluralist Model of Pressure Groups?
Are all the voices having the same access to the higher powers? NO
What is the Corporatist Model behind Pressure Groups?
- Incorporation organised interests in governing process
- Tripartite negotiations with ‘social partners’
- Consensus Oriented
Government, Businesses and Trade Unions talk to each other.
What are the critiques behind the Corporatist model?
- Limited Access for those pressure groups outside the circle
- As seen in the 60’s-Early 70’s imbalance between the 3 with Trade Unions growing
What are Social Movements?
- Typically postmaterialist causes (For greater ideal view)
- Difference from Interest Groups
(Less Formal Organisation,Less Narrowly defined objectives and demands, Always ‘Outsiders’)
e.g: ‘Arab Spring’ and ‘Occupy wall street’ and ‘Yellow vest protest’ (Fr)
What is the Downs Paradox (Paradox of Voting)?
- Not rational for a person to vote i.e not in their self interest
- Cost of voting outweighs the benefits
- Someone rational not take actions for which the costs outweigh the benefits
- Therefore, people shouldn’t vote