Week 7,Ch.4 Sensation and Perception Flashcards
is the study of the external world and how we detect them and then how we translate then into consciousness into our brain
detecting happens at the level of the sensory organs
translating organizes and interprets that raw sensations
the way sensory organs communicate with the brain. Sense receptors convert physical signals from the environment into neural signals sent to the CNS
Absolute threshold
the smallest amount of stimuli needed to detect a stimulus at least half of the time
Sensory adaptation
we gradually become less sensitive to a constant unchanging stimulus
how well we can distinguish two very similar stimuli. Just noticeable difference
Difference threshold
The ability to detect a change in stimuli what is the faintest change you can detect. Weber’s law
Snellen chart
20/20 vission. A way to assess visual acuity. (ability to see fine detail)
Signal detection theory
In the real world there is no 100% accuracy, life doesn’t have ideal and controlled conditions,depends on psychology or external factors
Decision criterion
perception of a stimulus depends on two independent factors the
strength of the sensory evidence for that stimulus and the amount of evidence necessary
Selective attention
Attention is a limited mental ressource, some we can control some we cannot attention is a controlled mental process but it can be taxing and its slower and its limited
Selective spotlight
on 1 thing at a time, multi tasking with task that require the same amount of attention do not exist Depends also on what is most self relevant or motivating
Inattentional blindness
missing something obvious that we are not paying attention to
Change blindness
if where not paying attention we may miss change like the basketball gorilla experiment
Placebo effect
when you expect something to happen your body will essentially will it into existence this can happen with pain because its a subjectif process
yields different perception of the same stimulus
For example daylight and artificial light when it comes to the black and blue or white and gold dress
physical stimuli registered by sensory receptors are converted into neural signals
-transmitted by the nervous system
-signals go to the thalamus and end up on the cerebral
what are human beings’ dominant sense
however humans only sese a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum
Visible light
a portion of the electromagnetic spectrum
hue/colour of light. Distance between crests