Week 7 - Breast disorders Flashcards
Types of nipple discharge
‣ normal lactation
‣ galactorrhea unrelated to childbearing
‣ non-milky discharge which is usually benign
Galactorrhea unrelated to childbearing s/s
‣ milky nipple discharge in a woman who has not been pregnant or lactated in the past 12 months
‣ usually bilateral and multiductal
‣ may occur spontaneously or with nipple manipulation
Cause of galactorrhea
‣ Hyperprolactinemia
‣ Medications (SSRIs, TCAs, MAOIs, CCBs, amphetamines – things that inhibit dopamine hyperprolactinemia
Causes of non-milky discharge
‣ Usually benign
‣ Intraductal papilloma and mammary duct ectasia are the most common causes
‣ Nonmilky discharge that is spontaneous, unilateral, from a single duct (uniductal), and clear or bloody is more likely to be associated with cancer than the physiologic discharge that can occur in approximately 50 percent of women with nipple manipulation
Assessment of non-milky breast discharge
‣ Duration, color, whether it occurs spontaneously or with manipulation, unilateral/bilateral, comes from one or more ducts or the nipple
‣ Other breast symptoms
‣ Symptoms of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, pituitary tumor, hyperprolactinemia
‣ Menstrual, pregnancy, family and general medical history
Physical exam for non-milky nipple discharge
‣ Comprehensive breast/nipple exam – palpate upright and supine
‣ Palpate lymph nodes
‣ Assess for skin changes or breast masses and tenderness
Diagnostic testing for milky nipple discharge
‣ Bilateral milky discharge –> pregnancy test
‣ If negative –> serum prolactin level and TSH
‣ If hyperprolactinemia is present –> MRI to rule out pituitary tumor
Diagnostics for non-milky discharge with palpable mass
‣ If discharge is spontaneous, unilateral, uniductal, reproducable on exam –> mammogram and US
‣ Tissue biopsy
‣ Referral to surgeon
Treatment for non milky nipple discharge only with nipple stimulation that is yellow, brown, green or gray….
avoid nipple stimulation, f/u 3-4 months
What tests should you run with black nipple discharge
Fecal occult stool test for blood
Solid, non cancerous breast lump composed of dense epithelial and fibroblastic tissue, are usually nontender, encapsulated, round, movable, and firm
S/S of fibroadenoma
‣ Discrete, smooth, round or oval, nontender, mobile
Diagnosing breast lumps as fibroadenoma
‣ US for women under 30
‣ Mammogram for women over 30
fluid filled masses commonly found ages 35-50
S/S of cysts
Discrete, tender, mobile; size may fluctuate with menstrual cycle
area of fatty tissue, occur in later reproductive years
S/S of breast lipoma
Discrete, soft, nontender; may or may not be mobile
Fat necrosis
results from breast trauma (seat belt pressure in MVA)