Week 7-8 Flashcards
–Explain the metabolic pathways and its intermediate compounds. –Explain the amount of energy produced during the oxidation of fat.
are digested (hydrolyzed) in the intestine and then reassembled after passage into the intestinal wall.
Triacylglycerol digestion and absorption
When they are needed for energy, enzyme-controlled hydrolysis reactions liberate the fatty acids, which then enter the bloodstream and travel to tissues where they are utilized.
Triacylglycerol storage and mobilization
Through glycolysis and the common metabolic pathway, the glycerol can be converted to CO2 and H2O.
Glycerol metabolism
This process involves removal of carbon atoms, two at a time, from the carboxyl end of the fatty acid.
Fatty acid degradation
is accomplished through the β-oxidation pathway. A turn of the cycle also produces one molecule each of acetyl CoA, NADH, and FADH2.
Fatty acid degradation
Acetoacetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, and acetone are called_________
Ketone bodies
Synthesis occurs mainly in the liver from acetyl CoA as a result of excessive fatty acid degradation.
Ketone bodies
Along with lipogenesis, it occurs through the addition of two- carbon units to a growing acyl chain. The added two-carbon units come from malonyl CoA.
Fatty acid biosynthesis
A multi- enzyme complex, an acyl carrier protein (ACP), and NADPH are important parts of the this process.
Fatty acid biosynthesis
-is biosynthesized from acetyl CoA in a multistep series of reactions. Eighteen molecules of acetyl CoA are consumed in the process.
Biosynthesis of cholesterol
is the precursor for the various classes of steroid hormones.
they represent an energy-rich “fuel” that can be stored in large amounts in adipose (fat) tissue.
In intaking Dietary Triacylglycerols [TAGs], what product is prdouced in the Stomach?
Fat Droplets in Chyme and some Monoacylglycerols
produces Fat Droplets (Chyme)
Churning Action
It is an enzyme that hydrolyzes some of the Triacylglycerols [TAGs] in about 10%
Gastric Lipases
In the small intestine who SOLUBILIZES the droplets?
What is the product that is produced in the small intestine [in intaking dietary TAGs]?
monoacyglycerols in micelles
In the Small Intestine what is the enzyme responsible for the creation of monoacylglycerides that forms fatty acid micelles?
Pancreatic Lipases
What is an Adipocyte?
Fat Cell
What happened to the micelles in the intestinal cells?
it is repackaged into TAGs which forms chylomicrons
In the Intestinal Cells, what is formed after repackaging the micelles into TAGs?
In the Lymphatic System, what happened to the TAGs in Chylomicrons?
It is transported in the bloodstream
What will happen to the TAGs in chylomicrons that are transported in the bloodstream
it is hydrolyzed to produce a Free Fatty Acid [FFA]
what are the 3 steps in the Oxidation of fatty acids
what are the four reactions, to produce actyl CoA, FADH2, and NADH?
First Dehydrogenation
Second dehydrogenation
A type of Metabolic Diseases that leads to impaired oxidation of fatty acids, causing muscular weakness.
What are the Metabolic diseases caused by impaired oxidation of fatty acids?
Hepatic Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase Deficiency [HCPt] & Muscle Carnitive Palmitoyltransferase [MCPt]
A type of Metabolic Diseases that produces hypoglycemia and low level of plasma ketone bodies.