Week 6 - Verifying Connectivity* Flashcards
What does ICMP stand for?
Internet Control Message Protocol
How is ICMP mainly used? What uses it?
ICMP is mainly used by a router or remote host to communicate why the transmission failed back to the origin of the message
How many sections does an ICMP packet contain?
5 sections
What are the sections of a ICMP packet?
- Type (of message)
- Code (details, different codes)
- Checksum
- Rest of Header (optionally used by Type and Code field)
- Data Payload (contains entire IP header, first 8 bytes of error packet)
What is ping? What type of message is it?
Ping is a command in a program that sends out an ICMP echo request to a destination that asks if it’s there.
What is an echo request?
An Echo request asks the destination if it’s there, able to communicate
In what OS are you able to use ping?
All major OS
How do you ping something?
Type ping command to an IP address or domain name
What are some command line flags you can use to control Ping’s behavior?
The size of the ICMP request, the number sent, and how quickly
How do you interrupt a ping command event on macOS and Linux?
Control + C
Windows by default gives you 4 ICMP echo replies
What is an ICMP echo reply?
The destination, if functioning and able to communicate, sends a reply
What is a useful utility to help you determine where in a long chain of router hops the problems are?
What is traceroute?
Traceroute is a utility that allows us to track the path/hops between 2 nodes to identify bottlenecks and problems in the network
What are 2 tools similar to traceroute? What OS do they work on?
mtr - Linux, MacOS
pathping - Windows
Describe the 2 tools similar to traceroute’s functions
mtr - works in real time, continuous updates on output
pathping - runs for 50 seconds, displays final data at once
What’s the utility command to enable following the path of a packet from node to node on each OS?
Linux: traceroute
MacOS: traceroute
Windows: tracert