Week 6 (Surveys) Flashcards
Advantages structural questionnaires, compared to interviews.
Easy and fast to conduct
easy to analyze
consistency of phrasing questions
answers can only be interpreted in one way
Disadvantages structural questionnaires, compared to interviews
respondents have limited number of choices
respondents can often only give one answer
respondents can not explain wha they mean by their answer
critique from constructionist and interpretivist on ‘measuring’ human behavior/opinion
structured interview face to face advantages as opposed to written/online
higher response rate
higher completion rate
observe whether respondent is serious and understanding the question
control sequence of questions
possibility to explain the question (probing)
disadvantages interview face to face advantages as opposed to written/online
more time consuming and expensive
less anonymous
interviewer effect: class/ethnicity/age
interviewer effect: probing inconsistent
it is not as easy as just asking for an opinion and getting it because…
social desirability
memory problems
advantage/disadvantage open questions
Good to give people the opportunity to express feelings in their own words
hard to code/analyze/process
Sequential differential
capable 12345 incapable
sequence of questions
first more general, than specific
answers to earlier questions might influence the answers on later questions
common mistakes in making survey questions
irrelevant to RQ
Do not measure concepts
answer categories not balanced
double barreled question
ambiguous question
do not cover all options
Steps in making a survey
define concepts (->indicators)
formulate questions for these indicators
think about sequence of questions
think how respondents will interpret
test questionnaire with pilot survey
Categorized never below 0, like amount of cinema visits
categorized in even distances, like age
nominal questions
Catergorized in order without hierarchy, like gender
ordinal questions
categorized in order with hierarchy, like education