Week 6 - PST and Arousal Regulation Flashcards
What is Psychological Skills Training (PST)
the systematic and consistent practice of mental/psychological skills.
What is the goal of PST
Enhance performance, increase enjoyment and achieve greater self satisfaction
What is Mental Toughness
the ability of an athlete to focus, rebound from failure, cope with pressure and persist in the face of adversity (mental resilience)
What are the 4 C’s of Mental Toughness
Control, Commitment, Challenge, Confidence
feel and act as if one could exert an influence on a specific situation.
take an active role in events
perception of change is an opportunity to grow/develop
strong sense of self belief
What are the three phases of PST
Educational, Acquisition and Practice
What is Self Regulation
it is the ultimate goal of PST - refers to the ability to work towards one’s short and long term goals.
How does Self Regulation work
works by effectively monitoring and managing one’s thoughts, feelings and behaviours
What are the steps in designing a PST program
Discussion of Approach, Assessing Mental Skills, Deciding what skills to include, Determining a schedule and Evaluating the program.
What are qualities of a effective consultant
accessible and can establish rapport, flexible and knowledgeable, likeable, conduct follow-up sessions with athletes and are trustworthy
What are qualities of a ineffective consultant
poor interpersonal skills, lack sensitivity of athlete needs, lack specific psychological knowledge, demonstrate inappropriate application of consulting skills and rely on a ‘canned approach’
What are the common problems in implementing a PST program
lack of conviction, lack of time, lack of knowledge of sport and lack of follow-up
What are the three anxiety-reducing techniques
somatic anxiety reduction, cognitive anxiety reduction and multimodal anxiety reduction packages
Types of somatic anxiety reducing techniques
progressive relaxation, breath control and biofeedback
Types of cognitive anxiety reducing techniques
relaxation response, autogenic training and systematic desensitisation
Types of multimodal anxiety reduction packages
Cognitive-affective stress management training (SMT), Stress inoculation training (SIT)
What are the 5 stages of SMT training
1)pretreatment phase
2) treatment rationale phase
3) skill acquisition
4) skill rehearsal
5) post training evaluation
What are the 4 stages of SIT training
1) Prepare for the stressor
2) control/handle the stressor
3) cope with feelings of being overwhelmed
4) evaluate coping efforts
What is Hypnosis
an altered state of consciousness - can be induced by a person (in a unusually ally relaxed state) responding to suggestions designed to alter perceptions, feelings, thoughts and actions.
What are the stages of a hypnotic intervention
Induction phase, hypnotic phase, waking phase, posthypnotic phase
What is coping
is the process of constantly shifting cognitive and behavioural efforts to manage specific external and/or internal demands/conflicts
2 types of coping
Problem - focused (efforts to manage & change the problems that are causing stress) and emotion-focused (regulating the emotional responses to the problem causing stress)
What is resiliency
coping with adversity and increasing adaptation