Week 5 - Leadership & Communication Flashcards
What is Leadership
the process where an individual influences a group of people to achieve a common goal.
Role of a leader
provide vision to direct an organisation to achieve their goals/objectives
Role of a Manager
in charge of scheduling, budgeting and organising
Appointed/Prescribed Leader
individuals recruited by some authority into a leadership position e.g club manager or coach
Emergent Leader
individuals appearing from a group and taking charge e.g captain of a team
Trait Approach
relates to personality characteristics
Behavioural Approach
considers friendship, mutual trust, respect & focuses on rules, goals and objectives (initiating structures)
What type of approach do coaches usually exhibit
What type of approach do peer leaders usually exhibit
Situational Approach
relates to characteristics of the situation e.g type of drill or game being played/performed
Interactional Approach
combination of personal and situational factors towards establishing effective leadership
Relationship-oriented leader
focuses on developing/maintaining good interpersonal relationships
Task-oriented leader
focuses on setting goals + getting the job done
What is the cognitive - mediational model
emphasises relationships among situational, cognitive, behavioural, and individual difference variables (interactional).
What is the multidimensional model
The variation of leader effectiveness due to the characteristics of athletes, leader behaviours & the characteristics/constraints of the situation.
What are the antecedents of leadership
age, maturity, sex, nationality, type of sport, psychological characteristics
What are the positive consequences of leadership
Increased satisfaction, cohesion, performance and intrinsic motivation
What are the negative consequences of leadership
Decreased satisfaction, cohesion, performance and intrinsic motivation
Transformational Leadership
leadership approach that causes change in individuals and social systems
What are the 4 components of Transformation Leadership
Idealised Influence, Inspirational Motivation, Intellectual Stimulation, Individualised Consideration.
Idealised Influence
Leader serves as a role model to followers.
Inspirational Motivation
conveys a compelling vision of future group performance while simultaneously encouraging followers to engage in challenging tasks
Individualised Consideration
Recognising the individual needs of each group member
Autocratic Leadership Style
coach solves problems for her/his self
Autocratic-Consultive Leadership Style
coach obtains information from relevant players then comes to a decision
Consultative-Individual Leadership Style
coach consults players as a group then decides (can potentially reflect groups input)
Group Leadership Style
coach shares problem with players and the players make a decision together (no influence from coach)
What percentage of communication is non verbal
What percentage of athletes/staff reported some sort of conflict in the preparatory phase of a major international competition
Intellectual Stimulation
Encouraging new and creative ways of approaching problems