Week 6 Inflammation, Infection & Immunity Flashcards
What are the bodies 3 lines of defence?
- 1st line = Skin & mucous membranes,
- 2nd line = Inflammation,
- 3rd line = Immunity.
What is the purpose of inflammation?
It is the process in which healthy tissue reponds to injury. It’s function is to destroy & remove substances recognised as being foreign to the body. To prevent minor infections from becoming overwhelming & to prepare any damaged tissue for repair.
Give 4 examples of inflammatory problems?
Conjunctivitis, Tendonitis, Appendicitis, Osteoarthritis, Peritonitis, Pericarditis, Achilles Tendonitis, Capsulitis.
What 5 factors cause inflammation?
- Injury/trauma - Physical/thermal/radiational/electrical/chemical
- Infection - Viruses/worms/bacteria/fungi/protozoa
- Infarction - Myocardial Infarction → Ischaemia
- Immune reactions - Foreign protein hypersensitivity (bites & stings)/Auto immunity (RA, MS)
- Nutrient deprivation
What are the 5 Cardinal signs of inflammation?
- Calor = increased temperature,
- Rubor = Redness,
- Tumor = Swelling,
- Dolor = Pain,
- Functio Laesa = Loss of function.
Name the stages of inflammation?
- Vascular response,
- Cellular response,
- Pahgocytosis,
- Lymphatic drainage.
Summarise the vascular changes in acute inflammation?
- TRansient vasoconstriction,
- Prolonged vasodilation,
- Increased blood flow & hydrostatic pressure,
- Opening of capillary beds,
- Increased vascular permeability,
- Bradykinin causes capillary endothelium retraction (crenallation),
- Leakage of plasma → protein rich exudate,
- Oedema formation,
- Haemoconcentration → Stasis.
What are the 9 stages to the cellular changes in acute inflammation?
- Margination,
- Rolling,
- Adhesion,
- Pavementing,
- Chemotaxis,
- Pseudopod formation,
- Amoeboid action,
- Emigration/Diapedesis “ Cell walking”,
- Chemotaxis.
What are the first type of leucocytes to emigrate to the site of an injury?
What are the second type of leucocytes to emigrate to the site of an injury & what do they transform into?
Monocytes → Macrophages
What is Phagocytosis?
The process of ingestion of foreign material or particulate matter.
What is needed for the Leucocyte to invaginate a foreign substance e.g. bacteria?
Antibody & complement.
What do the leucocytes use to destroy an invaginated bacteria?
How is the extra fluid (exudate) following inflmmation removed?
By the lmyphatic system opening up to assist in the drainage.
Immunity invlves which 2 types of lymphocytes?
B & T Lymphocytes
Decsribe what happens during cell-mediated immune responses?
- T lymphocytes are made in the red bone marrow & relaeased as immature cells.
- They travel to the thumus where they mature.
- The cells leave the thymus as CD4 & CD8 T-cells.
- CD8 cells are activated in the prescence of CD4 cells in the lymphatic tissue.
- Once activated they become killer CD8 T-cells which can leave the lymphatic tissue to attack invading antigens.
Describe what happens in antibody-mediated immune responses?
- B lymphocytes are realeased directly into the blood stream in their mature state,
- They enter the lymphatic tissue with antigen receptors attached to them (anitbodies),
- CD4 cells activate the B lymphocytes by realesing the anibodies which are then able to roam around the blood tream,
- The anibodies are ready to attach to anitgens with complement to make up the complex that leucocytes will then phagocytose.
What is another name for anibody-mediated immune response?
Humoral immunity.
Give an exampl of a bacteria, fungi & virus?
Bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae, streptococcus pyogenes, clostridium difficile, clostridium tetani, enterococcus (Gram positive).
Neisseria meningitidis, helicobacter pylori, klebsiella pneumoniae, escherichia coli, salmonella, shigella (Gram negative)
Viruses - Respiratory syncytial virus, paramyxovirus, rotavirus, coxsackievirus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, coronavirus, varicella.
Fungi - Tinea inguium, tinea corporis
What makes up the chain of infection?
- Infectious agent,
- Reservoirs,
- Portal of exit,
- Means of transmission,
- Portal of entry,
- Suscetable host