Week 6 - Equities Flashcards
why are retirees or those transitioning to retirement worried about inflation?
purchasing power of retirement savings particularly in low interest environment.
returns from FI securities will be depressed for long term.
Risks of EM
relatively high beta and illiquidity, sensitivity to the world economy, propensity towards volatility
weaker argument for investing in EM
diversification benfits are limited given high correlation with other equities
EM has a ____ to world equities
high beta
EM is a risky investment partly because
they are weighted towards commodities and other economically sensitive sectors and away from consumer related areas
What can dampen the impact of equity fluctuations for australian investors
positive correlation between returns from EM and $A
$A tends to fall when EM is weak and vice versa
Strongest argument for investing in RM
returns argument. Should you rely on economic growth?
caution against relying on higher economic growth rates to generate higher equity returns.
due to lack of evidence of the associatoin.
Strongest argument for investing in RM
Capturing a return premium —> higher returns
Risk compensation for hugh beta/volatility + relative illiquidity (beta and illiquidity risk)
alpha may be further augmented by effective manager, esp EM managers that run high tarcking error (8%)
Alpha opporunity from investing in EM
What faciliates alpha generation?
less efficient markets, reflecting lower sell-side analyst coverage, more insiders, short-selling constraints weaker regulation
Alpha opporunity from investing in EM
active EM managers have historically generated relatively high alpha, which has low correlation with other equity-based alpha sources.
Impact of substituting EM for a portion of WE exposure
mean and std increase with allocation to EM
the increase std is less when unhedged EM are substituted for Hedged world equities, as this best captures the risk reductoin benefits of the correlation with $A
is higher ER adequate to justify allocation due to higher portfolio risk?
Equities: role in the total portfolio
small cap companies
the illqiduity risk with small cap companies can be substantial in some circumstances.
Equities: role in the total portfolio
Very active media coverage, long data history, massive data available.
Equity is readily available.
Equities: role in the total portfolio
Equity market is mostly liquid. Most of stocks are stocks on asx 200. very liquid are listed companies.
Small cap stocks and emerging market stocks, they are not that liquid.
Large companies in emerging markets, the trading is not very active. E.g. Ownership can be concentrated. Company controlled by institutional investors, government. They do not buy or sell often.
Overall equity market: Return
Forecast equity market return
look at the equity market risk premium (Attract investors from safe asset, offer level of compensation for that risk)
Overall equity market: Return
So far, the latest estimate from leading investment banks,in US, theequity risk premium
3-3.5% per annum.
Overall equity market: Return
Equity risk premium puzzle
realized return over US stock market is much higher (7% p.a.) than government bond returns (1% p.a.), which is hard to be explained by known factors: transaction costs, illiquidity, risk aversion of investors.
ERP problems
dividends yield
influence of imputation system
Why in Australia the average dividend yield is higher than US.

In the Australian market, the existing tax system, especially the imputation credits, encourages Australian firms to pay out more dividends instead of retaining the dividends cash to invest in NPV projects
ERP problems

Throwing uncertain parameters into a model that requires assumption like constant growth
- constant growth rate. Lots of factors driving the equity market growth or economic growth. Trade war?
- dividend yield can be volatile (high at 8% low as -3-4% in AU)
- expectation of rf comes with more confidence
need to supplement with qualititative analysis
If investor is client in our assignment investment horizon is 10 years +, how are you going to forecast expected return in asutralian market, which rate are you going to choose.
Going to forecast expected return = risk free rate + australian equity risk premium.
Why do we prefer equity risk premium of over 10 year gov bond? Investment horizon is long term. Want to have an equity risk premium based on long term gov bond. Here we hhappen to have 10 year gov bond.
What if investor’s investment horizon is 30-50 years in 20-30
Try to align investor’s investor horizon with matuiry of risk free gov instruments
When you try to forecast required return from a long term proejct?
the equity risk premium over a corporate bond index might be more appropriate in terms of the term of the project and the very specific business risks involved in your calculation.
what is proxy for rf rate
Short term gov bond as proxy for risk freerate
Long term gov bond as proxy for risk free rate or going to use
Overall equity market: risk
Expereienced a significant drop after 2001 when monetary policy came into effect and resource boom. Whole economy sat into healthy pace of development
- Another spike during GFC
- Commodity market is driver of equity market in australia