Currency hedging and Hedge funds (Week 10). Flashcards
Hedge funds also use techniques that give them greater clout than traditional managers. First, they sell short.
Second they use leverage
This means selling a security that has been borrowed, hoping to replace it at a later date at a lower price
Hedge funds
end-of-life reporting bias
funds stop reporting during last months prior to liquidation due to poor performance, this reates net bias in the return series. can be up to + 6%
forward rate bias
forward currency rates (used for hedging) are an unbiased indicator of actual currency movements.
insights from hedge ratio estimates
– High sensitivity to inputs suggests that reliable recommendations of the appropriate hedge ratio are difficult to extract from this type of statistical analysis. However, the analysis can be useful for understanding the drivers and illustrating the impact of various assumptions. It might also point towards the general direction to move with respect to the hedging decision.
Return from CCFs broken down into
- interest earned on the collateral held backing the futures position
- insurance premium (expected future spot price - current futures price; insurance against future movements in spot price)
- expectional variance in the future spot price of the commodity at the time the contract expires
- rebalancing yield
Hedge funds for the individual investor
- Extremely wealthy individuals or institutional vinestors would invest with 100m dollars.
- high fees
- Funds in funds available in market but individual investor, hard ot tell exact exposure in funds of funds
not approrporaite. Access is also an obstacle.
The reason for the positive correlation between the a$ and equity markets has been largely attributed to the claim that
the a$ is a commodities based currency that is tied to world economic growth. australia has a much higher dependence on commodity exports than other developed countries
however, this relationship seems to have weakened somewhat over the last few years.
considerations for setting a hedge ratio
Implementation issues such as the costs and management of hedging should be allowed for. Currency overlay management may be considered as an option, i.e. out-sourcing the management of hedging
australian investor, faced with a _____ forward rate bias in its favour
forward rate bias
hedged returns are a combination of
local asset return and the forward premium (or discount) (interest rate differential - interest rate differentials are generally small and known at any point in time)
hedged returns, at least in the short run, should be less volatile than unhedged returns.
PPP and the forward rate bias
history demonstrates, and current conditions highlight, that the a$ can drift substantially away from its PPP value such that it becomes signi cantly over or undervalued. over time, the a$ may revert to its fundamental value, but this reversion can take anywhere from about three to ten year
This possibility presents difficulties for the immediate implementation of a higher strategic hedge ratio
Drawbacks to Hedging
costs, peer risk and potential diversi cation benefit
hedge fund
personnel risk
Losing fund manager, lose investors, money wil go with hedge fund manager
why is hedge ratio unreliable
they are highly sensitive to input assumptions and hence unreliable.
Emerging Markets
The emerging markets strategy used by hedge funds involves equity or fixed income investing in emerging markets around the world.
Many emerging markets do not allow short selling, nor offer viable futures or derivative products with which to hedge . Hence, emerging markets strategies often employ long only strategies
hedged returns for both international
equities and fixed interest have been
higher than their unhedged counterparts
which refleect the forward currency risk premium. Foreign currency appears to provide diversifi cation benefits in a multi-asset portfolio, particularly with respect to equities. however, the negative correlations underpinning this diversi cation appear to be unstable
These statistical features of foreign currency returns mean that an optimal hedge ratio cannot be con dently calculated and hence over-reliance on a point estimate of the optimal hedge ratio is unwise
Does investment in CCF require superior selection of active managers to be successful
The investment return from an international asset is
a combination of the return on the asset, in local currency terms, as well as the return from holding foreign currency.
hedging needs to be considered in the context of a
multi-asset portfolio
Direct property funds have similar exposure to
property market but price does not fluctate as much as listed.
Signifcant time lag for DP price to incorporate new info in property market. not traded frequently. traded among small group of investors. valuation of unit of DP is in discreet manner and much discretion from portfolio managers
why do we do not expect the negative correlation to persist
past few years, the strength of the negative correlation between equities and foreign currency appears to have weakened or have moved closer to zero.
b/c the relationship between the commodities and the a$ appears to have weakened recently. This could be due to the changing nature of the australian economy from commodities to a more service based economy, which may be affecting the composition of exports
globalisation of world markets has lead to an increase in the correlations between equity markets, which may increase further in the future. in turn, this could lead to an increase in the correlation between equity markets and foreign currency.
forward rate bias and optimal hedge ratio for australian investors
persistent forward rate bias seen in the australian dollar,
incorporating the forward rate bias into the analysis (along with historical covariances) produces a very high optimal hedge ratio, approaching 100%. This occurs because even conservative estimates of the forward rate bias can swamp the diversification benefits derived from holding foreign currency exposure.
The implication of these ndings is that the “theoretical” optimal strategic position for an australian investor is to be fully hedged
Problems with performance of hedge funds
published performane of hedge funds is overstated due to data issues that arise from voluntary reporting of hedge fund performance.
countries like the us, which have a zero or even negative Frb and a correlation that is closer to zero than australia, would be likely to have a
lower h*, perhaps at around 50%.
New Zealand with a higher Frb and a similar correlation to australia would have an even more compelling case for full hedging