Week 6 Flashcards
Znajdowało się/ kropkowalo
W całym kraju znajdowało się 12 000 domów curry.
12,000 curry houses dotted the nation.
Curry po raz pierwszy wylądował na naszych brzegach w 1810 roku
Curry first landed on our shores in 1810
Najsłynniejszym curry w Wielkiej Brytanii jest bez wątpienia wspomniany kurczak tikka masala.
The most famous curry in the UK is without a doubt the aforementioned chicken tikka masala.
To Cos, czym się martwisz
Its something you are concerned about
Łagodny (smak)
Have been made to be mild to appease the tastebuds of the British population.
Zaspokoić kubki smakowe
to appease the tastebuds
Smakowity (aversome + smak)
wyznać - Ona Przyznała się, że zjadła wszystkie ciastka.
to confess - She confessed to eating all of the biscuits.
przyznać - Przyznał, że nienawidzi tej sztuki.
to admit - He admitted to hating the play.
ubiegac się - musiałem ubiegać się do zaciągnięcia pożyczki u rodziców. (uciekać się oznacza zrobić coś trudnego, ekstremalnego lub złego, aby rozwiązać trudny problem)
to resort to - I had to resort to taking a loan from my parents. (to resort to means to do something difficult, extreme or bad in order to solve a tricky problem)
do podjęcia/podejmują się – Brytyjczycy chętnie jedzą ostrzejsze curry…
to take to - Britons have taken well to eating spicier curries…
przyznać się do winy – Jerry przyznał się do zrobienia bałaganu i zaproponował, że posprząta. (oznacza to to samo, co wyznać/confess)
to own up - Jerry owned up to making the mess and offered to clean up. (this means the same as confess)
Latarnia /słup latarni ulicznej
to provide something with a layer of something else
To be coated in-
I always have my strawberries coated in chocolate during the
Rzadkie ciasto-
a semi-liquid made with flour, egg and milk which is used for pancakes or for cooking before frying
Extra note: is also a verb and it is regular. In its verb form it means to hit someone multiple times causing serious harm.
Do not get the noun and the verb confused.
- a large amount of something, especially food and drink
Extra note: also means something else. It means to be beaten with a stick or a whip.
Freya always puts lashings of whipped cream on top of her hot chocolate.
Papkowaty groszek/
- cooked peas that are made into a soft mixture through boiling and simmering them for a long period
mushy peas
Mushy peas are perfect together with fish and chips.
Gotować na wolnym ogniu-
to cook something in a pan of water just below boiling point
to simmer
v (t,i) /ˈsɪmə(r)/ -
Simmering food is sometimes better than boiling it, especially with soup.
Pieczeń z orzechów
dish in a rectangular (prostokątny) shape made of nuts, grains and something to hold it together like butter before being roasted in the oven
nut roast
Maya usually has a nut roast for Christmas dinner because she is a vegan.
Potato synonym
Zapiekany ziemniak to moje ulubione jedzenie.
n /spʌd/ - (BrE slang) potato
Roast spuds are my favourite food.
Extra note: There are many theories as to why potatoes got the nickname spud. The favourite reason however is that the spade that dug them up used to be called a spud and it has stuck ever since.
Wrzucić do czegoś/gdzieś
to place an item inside another item, usually in a careless manner
Po pracowitym dniu w pracy George włożył swoje wiejskie ciasto do kuchenki mikrofalowej.
to bung sth. in
After a busy day at work, George bunged his cottage pie into the microwave.
mokry i miękki, zwykle w bardzo nieprzyjemny sposób
I didn’t bake my cake for long enough and my cake was soggy.
Ważyć (piwo), parzyć (herbatę)
To brew
I love brewing my tea for 10 minutes
Gęsta śmietana
cream made by cooking cow’s milk with the steam of boiling water
clotted cream
n -
Clotted cream originates from the South West of England.
Masa, kupa
/ - a shapeless mass of soft food
n /ˈdɒləp/ - a shapeless mass of soft food
I like putting a dollop of honey into my Greek yoghurt for breakfast.
Sos mięsny -do polewy
Odwzajemniać/ odwzajemnione
Reciprocate/ reciprocated
Owocowy sad
Elena grows apples and pears in her orchard
Skromny/ pokorny/ not proud
To be humble
Bardzo chcieć zostać kims, marzyć
Marzę o tym, aby zostać szanowanym chirurgiem
To aspire
I aspire to become a respected surgeon
Podstawa/ stempel
W dzieciństwie ziemniaki były podstawą naszej diety
Potatoes were a staple in our diet as children
o try to be like someone you admire
To emulate
I always try to emulate your cooking
Świadomie/ podjąć świadomy wysiłek-
to make a deliberate attempt at something -
Świadomie staramy się, aby przynajmniej pięć razy w tygodniu jadać razem w gronie rodziny
To make a conscious effort -
We make a conscious effort to eat together as a family at least five times a week
Wędliny, deska wędlin i serów
large plate or board piled with meats and cheeses
charcuterien/ʃɑːrˈkuːtəri/ -I’m doing a charcuterie for the party.
Ser kalafiorowy
a dish made from ….. and cheese baked in the oven -
cauliflower cheese n/ˈkɒliflaʊətʃiːz/
My mum always makes cauliflower cheese to go with roast dinne
Być wybrednym (wyborczo)
To be picky
Być stronniczym/ być związanym z czymsc
to have a liking for something -
To be partial to /ˈpɑːʃəltuː/ -My aunt is partial to Greek wine
Czarna porzeczka
Musisz rozpoznać, kiedy wyprzedzić inny samochód na autostradzie.
You have to indicate when you overtake another car on the motorway.
Moja teściowa jest dokładna, kiedy sprząta swój dom.
My mother-in-law is thorough when she cleans her house.
Daniela jest sprytnym biznesmenem.
Daniela is a shrewd businessperson.
Wyobrażać sobie