March Flashcards
“Uważaj, aby nie stłuc termometru, ponieważ zawiera on rtęć”.
“Be careful not to break the thermometer, as it contains mercury.”
Zespół projektowy musiał pracować w ramach ograniczeń dostępnych materiałów i technologii”.
The design team had to work within the constraints of the available materials and technology.”
Podstawowy element
Podstawowe elementy garderoby to te elementy garderoby, które pozostają w naszej szafie przez lata
Staple piece
Staple pieces are those items of clothing that stay in our wardrobe for years
Nieśmiały i bojaźliwy nastolatek.
Mówił bojaźliwym głosem.
A shy and timorous teenager.
He spoke with a timorous voice.
Szczególowy/ dogłebny
Znajdż w tym źródle Więcej szczegółowych informacji .
Refer to this resource for more in-depth information
Nędza, Ubustwo, brak
Nędza to stan skrajnego ubóstwa. Wychowywał się w biedzie, bez edukacji
Penury is the state of being extremely poor. He was brought up in penury, without education
Powtarzający się
Powtarzające się spotkanie
Reccuring meeting
Kolosalnie, Ogromnie
Jakość życia jest bardzo zróżnicowana w zależności od miejsca.
Quality of life varies enormously from one place to another
zatopić zęby,
być bardzo zainteresowanym
Zanurz zęby w programie telewizyjnym
Also usually means to start working on something with enthusiasm, energy, and commitment. It can refer to taking on a challenging project, exploring a new idea, or tackling a difficult problem with enthusiasm and determination.
sink your teeth into
Sink your teeth into TV show
This means to clench your teeth together tightly, especially when you are in pain, angry, or determined to endure a difficult situation. It can also be used to indicate a state of fear or anxiety, where a person is consciously preparing themselves to face a challenging situation.
grit you teeth
“I had to grit my teeth and finish the marathon, even though I was exhausted,” or
“He gritted his teeth and prepared to face the difficult conversation with his boss.”
Are often used in broadcasting to indicate whether a radio or television station is broadcasting or not.
on (or off) the air
Refers to the most important or essential aspect of a situation, often in terms of financial gain or loss
the bottom line
“the bottom line is that we need to make a profit in order to stay in business” or
“the bottom line is that the project is not feasible due to cost constraints.”
- Can be used to describe something that is important or significant.
- can also be used to express enthusiasm or excitement about something.
big deal
1. “Getting into this university is a big deal,” they are emphasizing the importance and significance of the achievement.
2. “I just won tickets to the concert,” and someone else responds, “Big deal!” that is a way of expressing excitement and enthusiasm for the lucky person.
Means that something is officially stated or documented in a permanent manner, typically in a written or recorded form.
Is often used within legal, journalistic, or political contexts, where precise documentation and accountability are important.
on (the) record
Refers to something that will have an effect or be important over a long period of time, usually several years or more. It is often used to describe a decision or action that may not have an immediate impact, but will be beneficial or important in the future.
in the long run (or term)
“Although it may be difficult now, in the long run, saving money for retirement is the best decision.”
It is often used to express a conclusion or final opinion that takes into account all of the relevant factors in a situation.
Ostatecznie/na koniec było jasne, że najlepszą decyzją było zainwestowanie w nowy projekt.
at the end of the day
“At the end of the day, it was clear that the best decision was to invest in the new project.”
Means every single person or thing in a group, without exception.
This idiom is often used for emphasis to indicate that there should be absolutely no exceptions or omissions.
every last one (or every single person or thing)
It means that something happens very suddenly and unexpectedly, often without any warning or preparation. It can refer to a wide range of situations, such as a sudden change in plans, a sudden change in weather, or a sudden event that takes people by surprise.
all of the sudden
The idiom refers to the actions and activities that occur out of public view, often in secrecy.
behind the scenes