Week 6 Flashcards
Ethics defintion
What should I do?
Should I do this at all?
Instead of giving you instant solutions or
telling you to follow wise men with long beards, ethics is about enabling YOU to figure out for yourself what you should do.
The point of ethics is to improve your
decision-making & critical reflection
skills. And that’s something you need to
practice every day.
-> learning by doing
roles and responsibilities
-> 3 areas
- professional -> Zünfte / people working in a specific industry (Verband)
- private & civic
- organizational -> working place
What is CSR?
The responsibility of entreprises for their impact on society. CSR should be company led. Public authorities can play a supporting role through a smart mix of voluntary policy measures and, where necessary, complementary regulation.
Companies can become socially responsible by:
* follwoing the lae
* integrating social, enviromental, ethical, consumer, and human rights concerns into their business strategy and operations
Modern CR gets established in the 1990s
-> the history of CSR
Milton Friedmann was a very famous economic
-> the social responsibility of business is to increase its business
Edward Freeman (1984):
Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach
Stakeholder Management
Every business creates, and sometimes destroys, value for customers, suppliers, employees, communities and fiinanciers. The idea that business is about maximizing profits
“A stakeholder in an organization is … any
group or individual who can affect, or is
affected by, the achievement of the
organization’s objectives.”
Deloitte survey (2015): Importance of stakeholder dialogue
engaging the dialogue with stakeholders
Apple supply chain approach: Environmental issue
apple hat einfach seinen Zulieferer Regulation aufgezwungen
Coop stakeholder meeting
Coop hat alle stakeholder eingladen und ein Meeting gemacht, Anliegen besprochen
corporate social responsibility: impact along a company’s entire value chain
Corporate social responsibility: impact along a company’s entire value chain -> internal view
the entreprise is responsible for the whole supply chain
-> circular economy / circular business model
Corporate social responsibility: external view -> sustainable developement goals
Guiding principles on business and human rights
United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework
* Protection: Nation states has to protect human rights
* Respect: Business responsibilty
* Remedy: justice system, courts
-> UN Global Compact
Blue -> Colour of United Nations
* ehtical radar
* club of business
* CEO writes a nice letter and then the companies was a member
* the companies make a comitment to the 10 pricinples
Human Rights
For the longest time they didn’t control the companies. Now they have to do an annual report. Hold each other accountable.
- PRIME: principles responsible manamgent education
- ZHAW is a champion member