Week 1 Flashcards
Volume of World Merchandise Trade
above the pre covid level
Merchandise Exports / Imports
CIS -> Russia / -stan States
Asia is still leading the exports
World Merchandise Trade Volume & GDP Growth
Trade Volume growth / Real GDP growth back at the pre covid level
Global Purchasing Manager Index (PMI)
How much raw materials are being bought?
-> forward indication of what are the expectation of the economy
FDI Fragmentation / Rising Restrictions
Lest decade:
More trade restricitions, isolation
1990 – 2010: Globalisation, reduction of trade barriers
Global FDI
Global FDI inflows slightly increased year-over-year in 2022
Growth Projections
Emerging markets and developing economies have much higher growth forecasts than advanced economies
Inflation is coming down, but the pace of disinflation is slowing
Wage-Price Spiral Risk
Real wage grwoth recovery mostly due to declining inflation
Drivers of Uncertainty
Economic Outlook
- Growth is hampered by the ongiong conflict in the Ukraine, lingering post-pandemic effects, and concern over disruptions caused by politival polarization, climate change, a looming energy crisis, and inflation.
- Inflation will slowly decline
- slowdown is concentrated in advanced economies
- Switzerland enjoys a robust, competitive, service-driven economy with a strong democratic tradition, and supported by export-oriented SMEs.
Looming Risk
Long term:
Enviromental risks are out of our control
It’s for all the same
-> it doesn’t matter how much money we have to fix it
Short term:
Cost of living crisis
-> real wages
-> possibly the end of something
Top 10 Risks
Geostrategic Outlook
- War in Ukraine: more sanctions, supply chain disruptions, higher prices
- China-Western decoupling: divergent growth / investement opportunities, increased reputational and compliance risk, supply chain reorientation
- Geopolitical swing states: strategic investment opportunites, supply chain alternatives
- Hardening of technology blocs: IP protection complexity, adapting supply chains
- focus on economic self-sufficiency: reduce growth, increaced inflation
- Energy security imperative: tax rate volatility & divergence
- Mulitspeed ESG policies: ESG suppy chain strategy
- Inflation-recession paradox: higher cost of credit, risk of higher taxes, customer vulnerability
- Food insecurity and instability: Human capital challenges
- Latin America’s left-leaning geovermentens: finance & revenue risks for mining sector
Trends to Watch
- Western central bank raise interest rates still further to battle inflation
- the inflation crisi hurts shoppers and retailers
- Covid-19 takes many more lives
- Asia’s appetite for energy helps push global oil demand
- recession risks and rate increases do not prevent tech spending rising more than 6%
- Streaming firms continue to invest heavily in content
- Globla sales of new cars growth by jsut 1%, but htose of electric vehicles increased 25%
- America, the world’s biggest defence spender, boost annul outlay
- Broad gauges of commodity prices retreat (Rohstoffpreise auf breiter Front rückläufig)
- Air travel turns profitable as international arrivals soar by 30%