Week 5: trace minerals Flashcards
Copper is an enzyme activator for what?
- repro
- bone development
- growth
- connective tissue development
- pigmentation
- protection from oxidation
- heart and CNS development
- immunocompetence
Copper works with iron to do what?
Form red blood cells
Why is there low toxicity regulated with Cu?
Liver regulates levels
What is Cu absoroption like?
Generally low (3-10% ruminants, 40% horses)
Influenced by S, MO and Fe levels
Absorption high in newborns
Ruminants more susceptible to low absorption due to high sulfide levels in rumen
What are some Cu antagonists?
- Mo
- S
- Fe
- Zn
What are some Cu defiency symptoms?
- Anemia
- Bone disorders
- Connective tissue disorders
- Swayback
- Cardiovascular disorders
- Depigmentation
- Diarrhoea
- Infertility
- Growth retardation
What animal is most susceptible to Cu toxicity?
Sheep - lower rates of bilary excrection
What can happen with Cu toxicity?
Necrosis of liver cells, jaundice, appetite loss and hepatic coma
What are T3 and T4?
Thyroid Hormones
t3 - triiodothyronine
t4 - thryoxine
They increase metabolic rate
What are t3 and t4 involved in?
- foetal development
- immune defence
- digestion
- muscle function
- repro seasonality
What can happen with iodine deficiency?
Increased TSH secretion (plus excess)
What happens when Se Selenium and Vit E act together?
Protect body tissue from oxidation
Se is apart of what enymes?
Glutathione Peroxidase which helps prevent oxidative degradation of lipids
Se is apart of selenoenzymes which are responsible for what?
conversion of t4 to t3 and correct sperm development
Se is maintenance for what?
Immune function
What are some symptoms of Se deficiency?
- White muscle disease
- Repro disorders
- Lowered disease resistance
- Yellow fat disease
What are some functions of Vit E?
- Prevents formation of lipid peroxidases
- enhances immune system
- enhances vit A absorption
- Vit C and DNA synthesis
What happens when Se aids in Vit E?
- nomral absorption
- retention
- reduces amount required to maintain lipid integrity
What happens when Vit E aids in Se?
- staying in its active form
- preventing loss
What are good sources of Vit E?
Green forage, hays and cereal grains
What is iron essential for?
O2 trasnport and use
Where is excess Fe iron stored in?
What can excess Fe do?
Reduce immunity to bacterial infections
What type of metalloenzymes is zinc part of?
- Vit A metabolism
- Gene expression
- Fatty acid metabolism
- Membrane composition and stability
- Appetite reg
Where is zinc stored?
bone 15%, muscle 45%, wool %27
What are some symptoms of Zn deficiency?
- loss of appetite and anorexia
- parakeratosis
- excessive salivation
- skeletal disorders
- hypogondaism
- reduced spermatogenesis
- reduced lamb surivival
- increased pregnancy toxaemia
- imparied immune function
What is an important function of Cobalt?
Required for vitB12 synthesis in the rumen
Methylcobalamin (MeCbl) acts as what?
a methyl group donor (for 1-C metabolism)
What is Adenoslycobalamin (adoCbl) for?
Propionate synthesis (microbes) and utilisation by the animal
What are some symptoms of Cobalt Co defiencey?
- Failed propionate metabolism
- Propionate accumulation in rumen, reducing appetite, reduced glucose synthesis, impaired acetate clearance - Failured of methylation
- Impaired methionine metabolism - Abnormal lipid metabolism