Week 5 Quailty if Pastures Flashcards
Define DMD, OMD, ME and Crude Protein
Dry Matter Digestibility - % DM retained by the animal
Describe why plants vary in quality
C3 vs C4
C4 - bundle sheath and extra lignification, more hemicellulose
C3- Protein content
Legumes are lower in cell wall material than grasses
Legume Fibre- Shortwer digestion time in rumen
Tropical species have higher fibre content
Age: Soluble content decreases, cellulose, hemicellulose, ligin increase.
Lignification doesnt occur in legumes
Stems lignify much faster than leaves
Higher up the plant the more digestible it is
Inc. Age =
Inc fibre
Dec. Protein and quanlity
Outline the factors that affect potential animal intake and actual daily intake
Potential Daily Intake
Size, Type, Level of production
Actual Daily Intake
Enviro, Pasture Attributes (quality, sward structure, Availability, Supp feeding)
Explain the effect that digestibility has on animal intake and why
Dec. quality of feed = long digestion time = less grazing
Water abover 85% = dec. intake
Explain the effect that digestibility has on animal intake and why
Inc. Sward = inc. DM per bite
Inc. Sward = dec. bites per minute
Hrs grazing reduces with inc sward
Kg inc. with sward
Short grass =
Cannot get enough intake
Highest intake is high grass in clumps
Explain why the quality of the pasture that the animal intakes does not match the quality of the pasture
Selective grazing
Inc. LAI =
Growth max=
More PSN
Actual DM in paddock depends on how much is lost in respiration
High LAI but also higher death
Define stocking rate, grazing pressure, carrying capacity and DSE
SR- Number of animals per area of land (DSE)
G.P- Number of animals per nit of forage
Carry Capacity- SR @ optimum grazing pressure
Under continuous grazing describe the different optimum LAI for gross photosynthesis, dry matter production and animal intake
Gross PS5N = Highest LAI
DM production = 5 (reaches 90% max)
Animal Intake 2.5
Describe what happens to pasture growth rate when pastures are over or under stocked
Over- Annuals and less palatable species are favoured
Under- Legumes and other prostate species dont compete well
Explain the effect off stocking rate on individual animal production
High SR limits individual intake, Dec. Individual wool, lwtgain, milk production, reproduction rate
Describe the effect that stocking rate has on profitability and risk
Max profit= production per Ha not per head
SR and Profitability are closelty related
Inc. SR increases riask, profitabilirty is somewhere inbetween
Describe the different types of grazing management systems
Continuous Stocking - set number
Rotational - series of paddocks grazed in seq
Time Control - Many sibdivisions
Strip grazing - Access to small % of strip using elctric fence
Strategic Grazing - Uses logical stocking to manipulate pasture compesition
Mob- large number to reduce weeds
Creep - Young stock in area before older
Deffered- Area kept free of livestock for a period
Outline Phalaris grazing management and the effects of continuous versus rotational grazing
Rotation = persistence and basal cover
Rotational grazing favours phalaris
Critica period is Autumn/winter
Factors affecting how long paddock will lastq
Pre Grazing DM Pasture growth rate Post grazing residue Wastage Animal Requirement
Estimating DM on Farm
MLA Ruler (1200-2000) perfect
Rising Plate meter
By eye
Estimating Pasture growth rate
Average Growth rate charts
Pastures from space
Wastage level
Trampling 15-40%
Increases in wet condiditonds and set stocking
Green leaf pasture loss over the summer
Most lost in Spring
Dairy (65-80%) utilisation
Dry sheep Farm less than 50%