Week 5 - Important Concepts Flashcards
fundamental process used by CHNs for planning, evaluating and monitoring community health programs
program planning and evaluation
What are the different reasons for why a plan is chosen over others?
1 - Standard framework used by an agency
2 - Specific frameworks for funding
3 - Specific frameworks to guide theories, or address certain groups
What are the 5 main elements of the multiple intervention framework?
1 - Burden of illness and inequities 2 - Socioecological features of the problem 3 - Intervention options 4 - Optimal blend of strategies 5 - Monitor and evaluate
What are the different levels of the sociological features of the problem in the multiple intervention framework?
Micro - level of individual
Meso - level of community
Macro - level of society
What are the common reasons that programs fail?
Failing to involve the community in planning
Program of too short a duration
No planning for long-term sustainability
Inadequate funding
To optimize application of the multiple interventions framework, it needs to be based on what three things?
In-depth knowledge of the community
Expertise with relevant theories
Up to date information on quality, evidence-based research
How has the multiple intervention framework shifted?
Started in homes and clinics, but is not targeting multiple layers of the system (communities, policies, organizations)
What are the 9 key components of the planning-implementation-evaluation cycle?
analyze situation –> identify problem –> consider alternatives –> select the best alternative –> design program –> implement program –> evaluate program –> analyze findings –> use results
anyone affected with policy changes, or interest and concern in the program
assets and capacities located inside the neighbourhood/community, largely under neighbourhood/community control
primary stakeholders
assets located within the community but largely controlled by outsiders
secondary stakeholders
What are the three categories of secondary stakeholders?
Private and non-profit orgs
Public institutions and services
Physical resources
skills, talents, and experience of residents; individual businesses
individual assets
business associations, financial institutions, cultural organizations
organization assets
• Structure for complex health programs and means of documentation – i.e. what the program is supposed to do, with whom and why
logic model