Week 5 - Cell Cycle Flashcards
What is mitosis?
process by which the chromosones in the cell are separated into two identical sets of chromosones each in its own nucleus
What is cytokinesis?
process in which the cytoplasm divides to form two idential daughter cells
What occurs during the M phase of the cell cycle?
mitosis and cytokinesis
What phases of the cell cycle make up interphase?
G1, S and G2
What occurs during the gap phases (G1 and G2) of interphase?
cell continues to grow and moniters both its external state and the external environment
ensures that conditions are stable to move onto to S phase and mitosis (checkpoints)
G1 - synthesises mRNA and proteins
What occurs during S phase?
DNA replication
What are the three main checkpoints of the cell cycle control system?
transition from G1 to S phase (G1 checkpoint)
transition from G2 to M phase (G2 checkpoint)
just before end of M phase (M checkpoint)
What is the cell checking for at the end of G1 before it can proceed into S phase?
Is the enrvironment favourable for proliferation before comitting to DNA replication?
What is G0?
a resting phase that cells can enter if contitions are not favourable to progress to S phase
What does the cell check for in the transition from G2 to M phase?
Has all the DNA replicated?
Is the environment favourable?
What does the cell check for during M phase?
Are the duplicated chromosones properly attached to the mitotic spindle?
What is the purpose of cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdk’s)?
they regulate DNA regulation, mitosis and cytokinesis
binds to cyclin to become enzymatically active
once activated a cyclin - Cdk complex phosphorylates key proteins in the cell that are required to initiate particular steps in the cell cycle
CDKs are continually expressed in cells while cyclins are synthesised at specific points of the cell cycle as a response to other signalling pathways
What state are most of the cells of your body in?
G0, because they are non-dividing
What cyclin triggers entry into M phase?
M cyclin
What cyclin-Cdk complexes help to launch S phase?
S-Cdk and G1/S-Cdk