Week 5 Flashcards
The extent to which a measure is free from random error - How much our measure reproduces the same score repeatedly.
Test Retest Reliability
Administer same questionnaire with same people at multiple times.
Internal Consistency
Do the items on the scale produce similar results?
Inter-rater Reliability
When judging behaviour, do two people judge it the same?
The extent to which something is “true”; that what one says is accurate.
Construct Validity
The extent to which the measured variable actually measures the construct it intends to.
Face Validity
Measure appears to reflect the construct being measured.
Content Validity
Measure captures all aspects of the domain.
Criterion Validity
Ex: Test anxiety should be negatively correlated with performance on important exams.
A category of construct validity regarding people’s scores on a measure correlating with other variables typically related to the construct.
Concurrent Validity
Extent to which the measure relates to a behaviour at the same time, or even before the measure. Ex: politicians or librarians and extroversion.
Predictive Validity
Extent to which measure predicts relevent behaviours.
Convergent Validity
How well measures of the same thing produce the same results.
Ex: Using a homemade extroversion measure, and comparing results to a well-established extroversion measure.
Discriminant Validity
Extent to which our measure does not relate to other measures.
Free Format/Open Ended
Provide own answer
Fixed Format/Closed Ended
Choose from a list of alternatives.
Response Set
A pattern of responding to questions on a self-report measure that’s not related to question content.
Yay Saying
Agreeing with everything.
Nay Saying
Disagreeing with everything.
Reverse Score
To deal with response sets, questions that are worded differently and reverse the meaning of the order of response.