Week 4 Flashcards
3 foundational studies that resulted in ethic codes
Submersion of ‘participant’ in ice cold water - Germany
Syphilis Study - Tuskegee, AL
Willowbrook Hepatitis - Staten island, NY.
Tri-Council Policy Statement - a policy for ethical research that must be satisfied prior to completing any research in Canada.
3 principles of TCPS
Concern for Welfare
Respect for Person’s
What research is exempt from review in Canada?
Publicly available info, observing in public if anonymous and confidential, already collected (anonymous) data.
No way to connect names to data (impossible to identify).
Individual response kept secret.
Concern for Welfare
Benefit outweighing harm (probability and magnitude).
Minimal Risk
No greater risk than would be experienced in their daily life.
Informed Consent
Participants should be informed of all aspects of a study before they agree to participate.
Must be capable of informed consent, or assent with guardian’s consent.
Mask study by withholding details of study (typical) or telling an outright lie (rare).
Process Debriefing
Describe psychological tendency to forget there was a deception and believe original ruse. Awareness can prevent belief perseverance.
Funnel Debriefing
Ask series of questions that are progressively more leading and specific, and reveal deception. Reduce potential harm of participant feeling down.
Potential benefits and harms need to be evenly distributed across all participants in study OR all socitel groups.
Someone pretending to be in a study.
REB & Composition
Committee responsible for reviewing research protocols for potential ethical problems.
Min. 5 people, 2 experts in relevant field, 1 knowledgable in ethics, 1 community member with no affiliation with institution.
Full REB
Default requirement for research involving humans.
Minimal Risk Research
When experiment doesn’t inflict anymore harm than that participant would experience on an average day.
Scholarly Integrity involves:
Sharing data with researchers, giving proper credit, no plagiarism, fabrication, or republishing.
How to identify and minimize risks:
List all potential physical, psychological, or confidentiality risks, seek input from a variety of people, prescreen, informed consent with emphasis on ability to withdrawal.
Identifying and eliminating participants that are at a higher risk. This can be done by using inform consent (with withdrawal), collecting data on individuals, interview with psychologists.