Week 5 Flashcards
What is a sign of potential labour complication when contractions last ≥90 seconds?
Contractions lasting longer than 90 seconds can signal uterine hyperstimulation, which may lead to fetal distress.
How many contractions in 10 minutes can indicate a potential complication in labour?
More than five contractions in 10 minutes (occurring more frequently than every 2 minutes) may indicate uterine hyperstimulation.
What is the significance of relaxation between contractions lasting <30 seconds?
Insufficient relaxation between contractions may reduce fetal oxygen supply, leading to fetal compromise.
What intrauterine pressure value indicates a potential complication during labour?
An intrauterine pressure of ≥80 mm Hg or resting tone of ≥20 mm Hg may indicate uterine hyperstimulation.
What fetal heart rate pattern indicates bradycardia?
less than 110 beats per minute lasting for 10 minutes or longer
What fetal heart rate pattern indicates tachycardia?
FHR greater than 160 beats per minute for 10 minutes or longer
What type of fetal heart rate decelerations are concerning during labour?
Late, variable, or prolonged decelerations are concerning as they indicate fetal distress or uteroplacental insufficiency.
What does an atypical or abnormal fetal heart rate pattern indicate?
It suggests fetal distress and may require immediate intervention to improve fetal oxygenation.
What is the significance of meconium-stained fluid during labour?
Meconium-stained fluid may indicate fetal distress and increases the risk of meconium aspiration syndrome.
What does persistent bright-red or dark-red vaginal bleeding indicate?
It can signal placental abruption or previa, both of which are serious complications.
What maternal temperature is a potential sign of infection during labour?
≥38°C (100.4°F) may indicate infection, such as chorioamnionitis.
What does foul-smelling vaginal discharge indicate in labour?
It suggests an infection, possibly chorioamnionitis or other complications.
What is the purpose of electronic fetal monitoring?
To assess fetal heart rate and uterine activity to monitor fetal well-being during labour.
What is intermittent auscultation (IA) in fetal heart rate monitoring?
Listening to the fetal heart sounds at periodic intervals to assess fetal heart rate (FHR).
What does external fetal monitoring measure?
External fetal monitoring measures fetal heart rate using an ultrasound transducer and uterine activity using a tocotransducer.