Week 5 Flashcards
What does the McCreary Centre Society Do?
Youth Health
Youth Engagement
Three stages of adolescence?
Early (11-14)
Middle (15-18)
Late (18+)
What age does the brain develop
Brain development continues into 20’s
What influences brain development?
Heavily influenced by environmental factors
What is the BC AHS
Tells us what youth know, think, and do about own health
How long has this data shown us trends
Provides trends over 30 years
What does the BC AHS help with?
key risk and protective factors
links nurses and students in school
used in prevention and health promotion
What were the key 2018 findings POSITIVE?
Increasing diversity
% of students who could speak an indigenous language doubled
youth were reporting more people living in their home
Positive physical and mental health ratings decreased
what were the key 2018 findings NEGATIVE?
increases in self harm and suicidal ideation
1 in 5 missed out on needed mental health services
Physical activity decreased
Decrease in youth eating breakfast
Findings regarding sexual health
students waiting longer to become sexually active
Decrease in students sexting
12% watched porn on the day before taking the survey
New issues present in the 2018 study?
Bereavement due to opioids
Using phone after bedtime
misusing own Rx medication
Time pressures
connection to nature
How many did not access needed mental health services in the past year?
What are the two main reasons youth did not access needed mental health services?
- Hoped the problem would go away
- Did not want parents to know
Okanagan youth are more likely to:
be working and to be working 20+ hours per week
Smoke, vape, and drink alcohol
be physically active
have been verbally or physically sexually harassed
What protective factors can protect youth
Family and school connectedness
Feeling valued and listened to
Having caring adults in the community
Having 3+ close friends
Having time to do things enjoy
Consent procedures
Parental notification and student consent
Signed parental consent and student consent
Parent letters in 14+ languages
Administration Steps 1-6
- Receive sample and materials
- Contact school principal to select classes
- Drop off materials and connect with teachers
- Parent consent/notifications letters sent home
- Administer survey to those with consent to participate
- Complete class participation form and return surveys to PHN coordinator
Materials provided in the survey package
Sample control form
principal and teacher packages
parent letters
student consent letters
2023 BC AHS/Link
Pencils and erasers
resource cards
class participation forms
folders and elastic bands
How are classes selected?
Non-elective class
Establish enrolment and ensure sample can be achieved
single class room period
room for students to spread out
Administration Checklist
Survey/Survey link for each participating student
A consent form for each participating student
A resource card for each participating student
Class Participation Form
Folder & envelopes if needed for parent consent forms
Pencils and erasers (for paper surveys only)
Duty to report
If you become aware of abuse and/or neglect of a child or youth under 19 years of age (or that there is a risk of occurring in the future), you must, by law, report this information
New questions added to survey
Cultural pride
oExperiences of racism
oFood security
oEating behaviours
oBereavement due to COVID-19
oHousing instability
oSleep hygiene
oLife skillsCannabis sources
oFriendships and relationships
oGambling and gaming
oSex education
oSources of information about
mental health, sexual health,
and substance use
oServices accessed