Week 4 slides Flashcards
What does social class consist of?
income: amount of money you earn from employment or investments
wealth: total amount of money you have
wealth can come from sources such as savings, investments, and inheritance
What is ascribed status?
a position you were born into or that you take on involuntarily later in life.
What is achieved status?
a position you gain through your achievements, abilities, or efforts
What is social mobility?
The predominant belief is that upward social mobility is the norm. However, current research indicates that the American Dream is a fading reality for many individuals.
In inequality, what is gender?
Men make significantly more than women even when they attain the same level of education.
In inequality, what is race?
black people and Hispanic people almost always make less than white and asian people, even when they have the same level of education.
What is an example of global inequality?
The worlds 8 richest men have the same amount of wealth as the bottom 50% of the world’s population
What is the household type poverty?
those in households headed by single mothers are much more likely to be poor than in married-couple or single-father families
What is education poverty?
In the US, there is a high rate of poverty for adults who have not completed high school.
What is Paid work in poverty?
In the US, those with no earnings are substantially more likely to be poor than are those with earnings in the bottom third of the distributions.
What is disability status in poverty?
For people aged 18 to 64 with a disability, the 2020 poverty rate was 25%, more than 3 million people living in poverty
What is race in poverty?
The poverty rate is approximately two times higher for African-American, Hispanic, and Native American people than it is for White and Asian-American people
Where is the highest poverty rate?
The south is highest. Northeast is the lowest.
What is working poor?
- approx 10.5 million individuals can be categorized as working poor
- more women than men are classified as working poor. Families maintained by women are more likely to be poor than those headed by men
- black and hispanic people are more than twice as ilk as white people and asian people to be working poor.
Explain homelessness, what about it?
many poor people are at risk of homelessness due to unaffordable housing.
to many poor families are forced to spend most of their income on housing.