Week 3 slides Flashcards
What is social structure?
Rules: the formal and informal expectations for behaving in any given situation
Resources: the things we have or acquire such as money, education, and status
What is social status?
A person’s or groups socially determined positions within a large group or society
- achieved status
- ascribed status
What is social role?
The set of expectations concerning the behaviour and attitudes of people who occupy a particular social status
- role conflict
What are life chances?
The opportunities to provide yourself with material goods and favourable life experience. Occupying a high status in society improves your life chances, provides more structural resources, and brings greater access to social rewards.
What are groups?
two or more people with similar values and expectations who interact with one another on a regular basis
What are networks?
A series of social relationships that link a person directly to other individuals and indirectly to even more people.
What are institutions?
The central domains of social life that guide our behaviours and meet our basic social needs
What is agency?
Our capability to act given the structural rules and resources that impact our behaviours. Agency refers to the choices that individuals make and the actions they ultimately take.
What does Looking-Glass self mean?
the way our perception of how others see us affects our sense of self
What does generalized other mean?
The values and norms of the larger culture, that are used to guide your actions
What is agents of socialization?
the individuals, groups, organizations, and institutions that influence your sense of self and help you learn the ways of being a member of society
- resocialization
- total institutions
What is social imagination?
refers to the complex interconnection between agency and social structure. All of our actions both large and small shape the world in which we live and at the same time, the social world shapes the actions that we take
What is micro-sociology?
focuses on individual identities and small-scale interactions with others
What is symbolic interaction?
studies human interaction by focusing on the words and gestures that people use and the meanings they create about the world
What is macrosociology?
focuses on large scale societal structures including groups and institutions as well as social forces such as norms
What is structure of opportunity?
distribution of resources and opportunities across society that shapes the choices individuals make
What do you evaluate during reflexivity?
- evaluate ones position in the social world
- evaluate the rules we are expected to follow
- evaluate the resources we have at our disposal or can acquire