Week 4: Psychological Measurement Flashcards
Assignment of scores to individuals so that the scores represent some characteristics of individuals:
What is a psychological measurement called?
Psychological variable that represents an individual’s mental state of experience, often not directly observable:
Psychological Construct
What are personality traits, emotional states, attitudes and abilities?
Psychological constructs
Why are psychological constructs not observable?
- Represent general tendencies, not true 100% of the time.
- Often involve internal process which are unseen
What are the big five personality dimensions? OCEAN
- Openness to experience
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Neuroticism
Describes behaviours and internal processes that make up a psychological construct, along with how it relates to other variables:
Conceptual definition
Are conceptual definitions concrete?
No. They are proposed, tested empirically and revised as necessary by researchers
Definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be measured:
Operational definition
What are the three categories of operational definition?
- Self report
- Behavioural measures
- Physiological measures (eg. heart rate)
Can constructs have multiple operational definitions?
When psychologists use multiple operational definitions of the same construct - either within a study or across studies:
Converging operations
When converging operational definitions produce same pattern of results:
Good evidence the construct is being measured effectively and is useful
What are the four levels of measurement?
- Nominal
- Ordinal
- Internal
- Ration
Measurement level for categorical variables with no order and assigning scores to a category:
Nominal level
Measurement level for lowest level of measurement:
Nominal level
What kind of measurement level is martial status?
Nominal level
Measurement level that assigns scores in rank order:
Ordinal level
Measurement level that is ordered:
Ordinal level
What is the issue with ordinal level of measurement?
Difference between scores not necessarily equal
Rankings of runners as first, second third etc is what kind of measurement level?
Ordinal level
Measurement level where scores on the numerical scale are even throughout but has no zero point:
Interval level
IQ test scores and Fahrenheit are what kind of measurement level?
Interval level
Measurement level which has a zero point on a numerical scale:
Ratio level
Measurement level which covers height or weight?
Ratio level