Week 2: Overview of the Scientific Method Flashcards
Research Literature > Research Question > Empirical Sutdy > Data Anlayss > Conclusions> Research Literature —- is what?
Simple Model of Scientific Research in Psychology
How do you find a research topic?
- Internal observations
- Practical problems
- Previous research
Why review research literature when developing a research topic?
- Determine if question already answered
- Evaluate the interestingness of question
- Give ideas on conducting own study
- Tell you if your question fits into the reseach literature
What is research literature?
All the published research in particular that field
What are the two types of research literature?
- Professional journals
2. Scholarly books
How do you generate a research question?
- Look at discussion section of research article
- Generate own reserach question
How to generate own research question?
- Conceptualise behaviour/psychological characteristic as a variable
- Ask for frequent/intense the variable is
What must a research question be?
- Interesting.
2. Feasible
What makes a research question interesting?
- Answer is in doubt
- Fills a gap in the research literature
- Has important practical implications
What is a theory
Coherent explanation or interpretation of one or more phenomena
What is a hypothesis
A specific prediction about a new phenomenon that should be observed if a particular theory is accurate
What is the theory/hypothesis relationship?
e.g. If drive theory is correct, then cockroaches would run faster when others observe them
How do you derive a hypothesis from a theory?
- Generate research question, ask if any theory implies answer to the question.
- Focus on components of the theory that’s not been directly observed.
- Distinguish between competing theories.
What is the Hypothetico-Dedutive Method?
A cyclical process of theory development, starting with observed phenomena and developed using existing theory
How to incorporate theory into research?
- Interpret results using one or more theories
2. Describe theory, derive and test hypothesis in a new study and then re-evaluate the theory
What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis?
- Testable and falsifiable
- Logical
- Positive (Makes a positive statement about the existence of a relationship or effect).
What is a variable?
Quantity or quality that varies across people or situations
What is a quantatative varible
A quantity typically measured by assigning a number to each individual (e.g. height)
What is a categorical variable
Represents a characteristic of an individual, measured by assigning each individuals response to one of several categories (e.g. ethnicity)
What is an operational definition
A definition of the variable in terms of how it will be measured
(eg. Depression is abstract but can be directly observed/measured through scales, diagnosis or number of symptoms)
What is a sample
A smaller portion of the population the researcher wants to study
What are the two types of sampling
- Simple random sampling
2. Convenience sampling - whoever is available
What type of sampling is most used in psychological research?
Convenience sampling
What is experimental research?
- Goal is to explain
- Manipulate one or more variables while attempting to control extraneous variables.