Week 4 Part 1 Flashcards
What is negative result but no impact called
What is oligotrophic
Think about energy as the base of the food web but usually in the ocean we see very little energy
What is commensalism
There is a positve outcome for one species and the other species doent benfit or not
What are some examples of commensalism
Kelp forest and coral reefs
Ranibow fish lives in the coral reef
Sucker fish pick off scraps of sharks but the shark doesn’t mind
Barncales on humback
Demodex in the pores
What is mutualism
Mutually beneficial interaction between individual of two species
What are some examples of mutualism
Humming birds and flowers
bees taking pollen
What is the example of the shrimp and guppie through mutualism
Live in the same tunnel of the shrimp and makes a burrow but when outside it visualizes a predator goes back into the tunnel so the crayfish would go back in
What is geosperms and angiosperms
Covers the roots so it can absorb more water angiosperm goes into the root geo is on the outside
What do cattle rely on
Depend on bacteria and protists that live in their guts to help metabolize cellulose
What is obligate mutualism
Not only do they each benefit from each other but they rely on each other for surrivial
What do fig trees have
Flowers inside the body and the wasps live in there and depend on each other
What do leaf cutters do
Go back to the sand area and the ants are bringing these huge leaves back where they farm which have deposit waste don’t have with specalized vents to vent the house
Take the leaves home but do not eat them leaves directly they prep this leaf for fungus
What is important to make sure these leaves have
Tasty to the fungus makes sure they do not have anti fungal region that could possibly kill the fungus
What do the ants do with the leaves
Chew them up stuff on the bottom is more decayed then the stuff on the top
What is gonglydia
Part of the fungus these little balls are the offering the fungus give back to the ant and provides the structure to feed on
Why is this highly specalized
When the queen leaves to establish a new colony she brings the funugs with her
What is commensalism
Postive and neutral relationship with organisms that provide habitat
What was is a trophic cascade
It is where a commenalisms now changes to a positve negative relationship all the otters were killed so they do not feed on the urchin and now the urchin feeds on the kelp
What happens with demodex when it takes over
Takes over the tail is left in your skin it keeps growing and dies then you have the red skin on your face
What happens with a begnin reltaonship turns to negative
Barnciles on the whale and turtle start to produce a drag
What does the forget me not example represent
Cattails have specalized structures that bring oxygen from the air to the roots the forget me nots benefit from this because there is oxygen surrounding the root can gain it from there
Whats the difference with forgot me nots with cold and warm temperature
Oxygen is more diffusible in cold water than warm water so forget me nots do between when there is cold so it is not longer a mutualistic association but a negative one
What is the interacation with the tree hooper and the ant
Ant takes care of the predator that would feed on the tree hooper if there is no predator around then the ants is getting free ride which is more of a parastic relationship
What is the yucca moth reltaonship
Yucca moth the flower is polanized by the yucca moth specalized to carry the grains this moth is depositing the grains into the flower plants benefits from getting pollenated and the moth has a place to lay its offspring
What is the cheater
The larvae start to eat the seed of the plant can fall apart because of a cheater and cheater happens when moth layes moe than 0-6 eggs in a flower the plant the plant will drop the flower and everything will die
What is an example of a positive interactions
Cleaner fish take of the parasites
Why do coral have the colour that they do and what is the reltanship between coral and algae
Because of the algae that is living inside of them algae gets a home and nutrients from the coral and also acess to sunlight algae provides the appropriate physiological environment to make its skeleton it changes the pH ways for the coral to produce its calcium carbonate skelton
What does zooxanthellae
Harbors the species that forms the obligate relationship
What happens with coral and climate change
Superoxide increases and starts to bleach the coral and coral can only live in a narrow thermal window we raise the temperature we kill the coral will become a sand dessert no home for the fishes coral reef ecosystem could be one of the ecosystems that dissepar causing a cascade