Week 2 Part 1 Flashcards
What is Biogeography
The study of patterns of species composition and diversity across geographic locations
What determines community composition
Local scales -abiotic factors and species interacations
Broader scales- regional processes
What is the hierachy of spatial scale
What is the global scale
THe entire world species have been isolated from one another on different continents or different oceans by long distances and over long periods
What determines species diversity and composition
What is the regional scale
Areas with uniform climate the species are bound by dispersal to that region
Provides the raw material for local assmeblys and sets theoretical upper limit on species diversity for communities
What is the regional species pool
What diversity
All the species contained within a region (gamma diversity)
What is landscape scale
Topographic and environemental feature fo a region
Species composition and diversity vary within a region depending on how the lanscape shapes rates of migration and exctions
Defined by moutanins lakes or froests
What is local scale
Equlivalent to a community
Local species diversity (alpha diversity) determined by species physiology and intercation with other species
What is beta diversity
Change in species numbers and composition or turnover from one community type to another conncect local and regional scales
What are global patterns and species diversity and composition controlled by
Geographic area and isolation historical factors and global climate
Who is the father for biogeography and what did he discover
Alfred Russel Wallace
There is a gradient of species diversity with latitude (with more species at the equator than towards the poles)
How many biogeographic regions can earths land mass be divided into and what are they
What were the different contient formations
Permian period pangaea
Cretaceous period laurassia and gondwana
Early tertiaray period
Are north and south america similar
they are more different thatn you expect because of there proximity but south america and australia are more similar than youd expect