week 4 Flashcards
describe the adaptive function of guilty behavior.
empathy: understanding and sharing in another’s emotional state–>put aside your own concern en focus on repairing bond with other.
name four differences between shame and guilt?
Describe guilt.
shame has a lot of maladaptive functions. But can you name a couple of adaptive functions?
social emotions like shame come later in development of children. Most social emotions need which four abilities?
guilt-prone children or adolescents show less/more empathy and prosocial behaviors.
Why do guilty people sometimes become angry at first?
limiting empathy
Effort to create distance between onseself and victim, because frustrating when one can’t do anything.
ignoring or dismissing empathic feeling
lack of empathy can result in anger, trying to hold other responsible for own misdeed.
what is the difference between reactive and proactive aggression?
higher levels of guilt are related to less/more proactive agression and externalising behaviors.
higher levels of shame are related to less/more reactive agression, externalising, anti-social behaviors
individualistic/collectivistic oriented (mention this word on exam) are more prone to guilt. because….
individualistic–>responsibility is more often attributed to person. In collectivistic oriented cultures more external.
collectivistic/individualistic oriented cultures more shame-prone.
shame is related to which four (perceveid negative) aspects.
according to recent studies in chinese children. More guilt is related to less?
- externalising behaviors
- proactive
- psychopathy
when can shame/guilt become maladaptive?
name at least four behavior tendencys of shame.
More shame in children is related to more…..
- reactive agression
- externalising behavior
- anti-social behavior
in short define the following terms: ethnocentrism; absolutism; relativism; universalism
How is shame perceived in collectivistic countries?
- more intens and frequent (than individualistic)
- shame when other group-member misbehaves
- motivates to respect norms an values.
research on moral emotions in chinese children show that
with shame comes more …. and less….
with guilt comes less…… and less….. and more …..