week 2 Flashcards
benoem drie redenen waarom we houden van positieve emotie expressie.
beschrijf het experiment van Buss & Kiel mothers’ responses
doel: verband tussen temperament en emotionele regulatie bij jonge kinderen.
methode: Hun studie richtte zich op hoe temperament, zoals verlegenheid of reactieve emoties, invloed heeft op de manier waarop kinderen omgaan met stressvolle situaties.
results: Ze ontdekten dat kinderen met een hoog reactief
temperament vaker emotioneel overweldigd raakten, maar dat goede emotionele regulatievaardigheden hen hielpen om met deze uitdagingen om te gaan.
Shida distinguises two general kinds of responses to provocation. Name each one and explain the effects on social relations of each.
constructive effect is neutralize and solve
unconstructive effect is worsen en escalate
give a short discription of
- the Peer-provoking game.
- goal
- results
playing a game online and are told you are playing in team (photo is shown)(teammate isn’t really real). winner team gets 50 euro’s. every round the fictional teammate gets worse and start to send provoking things in the chat.
goal. checking mood before and after.
conclusion. happiness decreased and anger increased
what is meant by “sense of coherence”?
The extent to which people have a pervasive, enduring feeling of confidence that their environment is predictable, manageable, and meaningful.
does research show more unconstructive responses when provoced? Name an experiment that shows these responses.
Yes, the peer provoke game.
what are the effects of higher sense of coherence or self-esteem on social responses?
fewer unconstructive responses.
in the peer provoking experiment.
hypothesized. Moroccan-dutch participants would show different responses than dutch participants
what where the results?
what could be an explanation for the side finding.
hypothesized. Moroccan-dutch participants would show different responses than dutch participants
research didn’t show these results.
* no ethnicity differences on levels displeasure showing
* in moroccan-dutch adolescents higher self-esteem –>more often displaying displeasure
* because this minority group experiences more discrimination in real life they perceive higher levels of discrimination.
According to Saarni. what are the effects of anger expressions in stable relationships and hostile relationships?
Stable: still might provoke anger response, but relationship can handle it. Sets boundries
hostile: further escalation.
when regulating emotions, we distinghuis between response focused and antecedent focused. Define the difference in focus and if it increases behavioral or emotional experiences.
response focused=regulating your emotions after
the emotional response has already been activated. It focuses on managing or modifying your emotional expressions, feelings, or physiological reactions once the emotion is already present.
⬇️behavioral response
⬆️emotional experience
antecedent focused= regulating your emotions before
the emotional response is fully activated. It focuses on altering the situation or your interpretation of it to prevent a particular emotion from arising in the first place.
⬇️behavioral response ⬇️emotional experience
Name three avoidance and three approach strategies in children of a young age..
what is the role of focus in emotions?
your focus point determines the emotion.
sadness–>focus on the loss
anger–>focus on the person.
in the “toddlers looking at their mothers” experiment. Where toys where temporaly removed from young children (until 2 years old) and then their mom came in.
answer the following questions:
the mother comes in
1. what happens to the anger and fear of the children?
2. what is the conclusion?
3. according to the researchers what could be an explanation for the conclusion?
- child shows sadness instead of anger or fear
- anger is better not to communicate–>It won’t get give me what I want (the toy back).–> implies social learning at young age. (however no causal proof, it just raises questions.)
- mothers more prone to react to sadness, baby learned this via conditioning.
discribe two approaches to emotional responses
- emotional awarness–>regulate arousal
- cognitive control–>regulate arousal
wat is het verschil tussen coping en emotie regulatie
- coping=dealing with arousal levels because of negative emotions. (eg. avoidance)
- emotie regulatie= breder concept.