Week 4 Flashcards
at least 2 weeks everyday
-depressed mood/loss of interest or pleasure (anhedonia)
-4 other symptoms
causes clinically significant distress or impairment
Persistent depressive disorder
Most of day, more days that not for 2 years with 6 additional symptoms
how many days is hypomania
4 days, less disconnecting symptoms
mania is at least 1 week
bipolar 1 vs bipolar 2
Bipolar I
Individual has a history of one or more manic episodes with or without one or more major depressive episodes (not required for diagnosis)
Bipolar II
History of one or more hypomanic episodes with one or more major depressive episodes
For both disorders, manic/hypomanic episodes last between 2 weeks -4 months, and depressive episodes last 6-9 months
A chronic but less severed form of bipolar disorder
Involves a history of at least two years of alternating hypomanic episodes and episodes of depression that do not meet the full criteria for major depression
rapid cycling specifier
4 or more manic/depressive episodes in a year, separated by at least two months or a shift to the opposite
Seasonal affective disorder
MDD or Bipolar symptoms onset by changing seasons (light levels, circadian clock, melatonin)
Mood disorder with peri- or post partum onset-
MDD or bipolar symptoms onset around childbirth
premenstrual dysphoric disorder
most menstrual cycles for at least one year
5 symptoms must be present
SSRIs good for treatment
psychological and environmental factors that contribute to mood disorders
Personality theories
-result of genes and our environment
-OCEAN - N high E and C low in depression, bipolar disorder high in E and O
-behavioural inhibition system and behavioural activation system
Cognitive theories
-cognitive distortions in depressed people (all or nothing, over generalizing, magnifying, jumping to conclusions)
Interpersonal models
-depression can cause stressful life events in interpersonal domain
-interpersonal problems may stem from behaviours of the depressed
Life stress perspective
biological factors that contribute to mood disorders
Hereditary component
Neurotransmitters NE and 5-HT are responsible for functions disturbed by mood disorders
-bipolar low NE
-depression low 5-HT receptors
Stress and HPA axis
-smaller hippocampal volume
less blood flow and reduced metabolism to frontal regions of brain in depression, opposite in mania
Interventions of CBT
Thought records- evaluate accuracy of thoughts, come up with alternative thoughts
Behavioural experiments - thoughts are a scientific method to be tested
Activity Scheduling
How CBT treats MDD
CBT treatment usually involves efforts to change thinking patterns.
Psychotherapies for bipolar disorder
Family focused therapy
Interpersonal and social rhythm therapy
-disruptions in routines and conflicts in relationships cause relapses of bipolar disorder
-taught to regulate routines and cope with stressful events
Cognitive therapy
- taught strategies for the unique issues faced in bipolar disorder
meds for MDD
monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
-blocks enzymes that break down neurotransmitters
tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
-block reuptake of NE
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Beck’s negative cognitive triad
Automatic thoughts - Intermediary beliefs/assumptions - core schemas
meds for bipolar disorder (best form of treatment)
-preserve brain volumes
-short term, mood stabilizing
risk factors of suicide
untreated mental disorder
birth assigned male
social contextual factors (LGBT+, Indignity)
3 forms of psychotherapies for bipolar disorder
family focused therapy (fft)
interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (IPSRT)
cognitive therapy