Week 4 Flashcards
What is Sex
A determination made through the application of socially agreed upon biolgoical criteria for classifying persons as females and males based on biological characteristics of our body.
What is gender
collection of characterisitcs including personality traits, interests, behaviours and appearance factors that uclturally and socially define a person as feminine or masculine
What is essentialism
the idea that gender diferences stem from qualities that resident in or possesed by women and men
What are radical feminists
assume that gender inequality is a function of mens control of womens reproduction and sexuality
What are features of biological families
Womens biological capacity to reproduce made them dependent on men for their survival
children take a long time to become independent compared to the young of other species
often women are dependent on men to earn a living
Once they have children they turn into mothers and are devoted to protect them
What was firestones solution to freeing women from their biology
to free women from tryanny of their reproductive biologu; natural reproduction must be replaced by the use of new reproductive technologies, arguing that the reason women are oppresed is because they can have childre, so they must get rid of it
What does mcmulling argue about radical feminism
that it focuses exclusively on the social relations of reproductions, but in their focus they tend to focus narrowly on being pregnant giving birth and having new babies.
What is heteronormative ideology
the belief that heterosexuality is the dominant sexual orienttion in our society and the LGBTQ is abnromal expression
What do socialist feminists argue
argue that the relations of capital and therefore class relations are pivotal for understanding womens womens oppression
According to marxists feminists what role does family play
provides workers the nurturing environment for sustaining them
family reproduces the labour nexessary for making commodities and maintaining capitalist enterprises, making babies to enter the workfroce.
helps sustain dominant ideology
How does family subsidize capital
through the provision of unpaid labour. its only because of unpaid labour done at home that people can afford to live.
What are dual system theorists
these theorists suggest that patriarchy and capitalism are two distinct systems that intersect in relations to the oppression of women
What is patriarchy
a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate, oppress and exploit women
What is the social relations of distribution
the relations of distribution are sequences of linked actions through which people share the necessities of survival
What holds together personal relations of distribution?
emotional bonds, usually between blood relatives and are dependent on the wage
what are marital relations of distribution?
the central component od distribution for married women who do not work for pay and are thus dependent on their husband for their wage
what is state relations of distributio?
based on laws and governmental policies that have historically been developed in gendered ways.
For acker what shaped class?
the culiminated of the gendered relations.
What does acker argue to understand intersection between gender and class
scholars must understand that each mutually constitutes the other. in other words the experience of being a man or a woman is fundamentally shaped by her or his social class, but class experience is also fudnamentlaly shaped by ones gender
Sex category is achieved through what
application of the sex criteria but in everyday life, categorization is established and sustained by the socially required identifacory display that proclaim ones membership in or the other category
Gender is the activity of managing….
situated conducts in light of normative conceptions of attitudes and activites appropriate for ones sex category. gender activities emerge from and bolster claims to membership in a sex category.
Who developed SI
Erving Goffman
How does SI view social reality
reality as a product of the meaning making of individuals during interaction with others
What do West and Zimmerman argue about Gender inequality
argue that gender inequality is realzed and socially constructed through our daily activities in interactions with others