Week 1 Flashcards
What is social inequality?
can refer to any of the differences among people or socially defined positions they occupy that are conseuqential for the lives they elad most particularly for the rights or opportunities they excercise and the rewards or priviliges they enjoy
Accoridng to mcmulling what are class, gender, race and age
social structures of inequality that result in outcomes that matter
What is class inequality
something that sticks with individuals, like class location or where you start out will have an impact on where you endup
What is social structure?
Long lasting patterned relationships among the elements of society
Which social inequality is of the greates importance according to grabb
The consequential differences that become structures that are built into the ways that people interact with one another on a recurring basis
What does life outcome depend on
where you were born
who you were born to, and how well theyre able to pass advantage to you.
What is absolute poverty
absolute poverty- how much difficulty a person has satisfying their daily survival needs.
what is relative poverty
describes that persons economic condition compared to the average in their community
what is poverty or low income
that condition of not having enough of the things we need fo rlife, whether in absolute or relative terms.
What was marxs examples about small houses about
about how we tend to comapre ourselves to other
Most of us dont do what about inequality?
most of us are aware we live in in unequal world, but we dont complain we assume tis a natural aprt of the world we live in.
Inequality is a condition that can?
Occur among rich or poor people, it marks a difference in which one person has more than another person
What is LICO
Low income cutoff- the level at which a family spends 53,9 or more if its income on food or shelter and clothing
What is the low income measure
relative measure of low income that is set at 50% of the adjusted mean household income
What is market based measure
an absolute measure of poverty that shows the level at which a household does not have necessary income to purchase goods or essential services
What is the mbm
mbm defines poverty line based on the annual cost of a basket of food, clothing, shleter, tranposrtation and more
Who decides the MBM line
Is the MBM considered as canadas official poverty line?
yes after much consultation canadas government finally decided it would be.
Did poverty actually decline accordnig to the new poverty line?
Whos more susceptible to poverty? Men or Women?
Women are higher
What are the Poverty and Economic trends.
When the economy worsens, the number of poor people swells and they suffer most during an economic recession