WEEK 4 Flashcards
What is self-monitoring?
How much does your public self differ from your
private self?
High Self-Monitors tend to…
(Tailors self for the situation) • Good at acting • Talkative • Initiates humour • Expressive facial expressions • Social poise
- Better in job interviews
- Make more new friends
- More social influence
- More likely to lie to get a date
• More susceptible to external feedback
- Fake heartbeat study (more attracted to
women) –> fast fake beat –> think they like them - good for first impressions but bad for long term relationships when people find out what you’re really like
Low Self-Monitors tend to…
(Little change for situation) • Distrusting • Perfectionists • Irritable • Anxious • Introspective • Independent
Personality tests are…
Inherently relativistic
What is a Personality Trait?
An adjective used to describe a person’s tendencies across time and context.
- Trait is distributed amongst people (Variance)
Individual differences are usually….
Larger than group differences
e.g. Dan may be 30cm taller than Lauren, but on average men are only 10cm taller than women
Difference between Traits & Types?
• Trait is distributed amongst people (Variance)
- you can lie on a scale (high or low of a trait)
• Types are qualitatively different
- you either are it or aren’t it
e. g. you’re Disney princess is Snow White
The distribution of most traits take the form of a…
Bell curve (normal distribution)
What is Artificial dichotomizing?
Take a trait that should be treated as a continuous trait
e.g. the scale of extraversion
And split you into which type you are based on which half you fall into
e.g. scored 49% for extroversion = introvert
What is wrong with the Myers-Briggs test?
• It does Artificial dichotomizing
• Although it is popular in the business
world, it is not often used in research
• It has poor validity
- Attempts to measure Jung’s personality
- In the real world, there are rarely
- Usually people fall somewhere in the middle
- Traits used are not necessarily opposing
(Thinking and feeling)
• It has poor reliability
- It will give different results for the same
person on different occasions
• Links between Myers-Briggs types and
manager effectiveness has been
What is the Single-Trait Approach?
- Study one personality trait at a time
- What are people with that trait like?
- E.g. self-monitoring
- Problem: 17000+ potential traits to study (4500 excluding synonyms)
- Pros: Comprehensive
- Cons: Complex! No generalization.
What is Religiosity?
- Self report: Religious people more moral
- Behaviour: No difference in treatment of others, sometimes worse due to entitlement
- Religiosity: higher self-control, better at avoiding personal vices
What is the Lexical Hypothesis?
For any significant personality trait there will be a term to describe it in any or all of the languages of the world
What is the essential trait approach?
• Group traits into meta-traits
Eysenck’s Hierarchical Model included which 3 basic traits?
- Psychoticism
• Aggressive, lacking empathy, egocentric, antisocial,
impulsive - Extraversion
• Sociable, lively, active, dominant, sensation-seeking - Neuroticism
• Low emotional stability
• Anxious, guilty, moody, low self-esteem, irritable