Week 3 social influence Flashcards
what do social psychologists do
study behaviour, examine thoughts, feelings and beliefs, social psychology is also a science
social influence
how our thoughts, feelings and behaviour are influenced by the presence of others.
social norms
expectations about what behaviour, thoughts or feelings are appropriate within a given group within a given context. (not written by law but most abide by)
attitude or behaviour change due to implied social norm
Thorndike’s research 1905
introduced concept of reinforcement. ppl asked to give opinion on topic. confronted with peers. lots changed mind.
sherif (1935) autokinetic effect experiment
-wanted to show ppl conform to group norms when in ambiguous situation. asked how much light moved. individually answers varied. in group setting, answers converged to common estimate.
distortions to explain conformity
perception, judgement and action
factors affecting conformity
-size of group
-unanimity of group
-task difficulty
-answer in private
Moscovici blue green slides
- when minority behaviour was inconsistent, impact on the majority was minimal.
crucial features of minority influence
-commitment, consistency, flexibility
potential ethical risks in social psych
-vulnerable groups
-sensitive topics
-involving confidential info
-research that may impact employment
fixed mindset
-intelligence and ability are fixed. tend to approach learning with goal of looking smart. often shy away from challenges as they believe they have to work.
growth mindset
-believe abilities can be developed, more likely to see effort and build new skills.
social influence can be seen in the classroom through teachers mindsets