week 10 - intelligence Flashcards
three models of intelligence
1) a single trait
2) a few basic abilities
3) numerous cognitive processes
what is ‘G’
general intelligence - it influences our ability to think and learn on all intellectual tasks
who proposed idea of general intelligence
Charles Spearman 1904
empirical support of intelligence as a single trait view
Measures of g, such as overall scores on intelligence tests, correlate positively with school grades and achievement test performance (Gottfredson, 2011)
Intelligence as a few basic abilities - Cattle (1963)
Fluid intelligence = ability to find new answers to problems through logic and creative thinking, rather than knowing things about the problem beforehand. Increases from birth to ~20s; decreases after
Crystallised intelligence = specific knowledge and skills learned consciously through life experiences. Increases across lifespan as you learn more about the world
They are connected = fluid solutions can become crystallised; crystallised knowledge can be updated in response to fluid thinking
empirical support of the intelligence as a few basic abilities view
-Tests of each type of intelligence correlate more highly with tests of the same type than they do with tests of the other type (Horn & McArdle, 2007).
-The prefrontal cortex usually is highly active on measures of fluid intelligence but tends to be less active on measures of crystallized intelligence (Jung & Haier, 2007).
Gardner (1983)seven intelligences:
1) visual- spatial
2) linguistic- verbal
3) interpersonal
4) intrapersonal
5) logical- mathematical
6) musical
7) bodily- kinesthetic
8) naturalistic
history of intelligence testing
- Sir Francis Galton tried to measure intelligence in the 1800s. thought quickness of hand = quickness of mind
- Binet in 1900s started modern intelligence testing. focused on judgement, comprehension and reasoning
Who was Terman
- published Stanford- Binet Intelligence Scale in 1916. Created IQ measure and the concept that intelligence was on a bell curve. Was used by US government as part of screening WW1 recruits.
Weschler Intelligence scale for children (latest ed. 2014)
- intended for 6-16 year olds
- verbal comprehension
- visual spatial
- fluid reasoning
- working memory
Weschler Adult intelligence scale (latest ed. 2008)
- intended for 16+
- verbal comprehension
- perceptual reasoning
- working memory
- processing speed
controversies and discrimination of intelligence
- scientific racism
- student protests around ethics of research
- eugenics erroneous theory that the human race can be improved through selective breeding of populations
controversies in intelligence testing
- racial bias in test design - based on western and often European ideas therefore disadvantaging marginalised groups.
- fears around stereotypical poor performance based on group members.
continuity of IQ scores
- Longitudinal studies that have measured the same children’s IQ scores at different ages have, in fact, shown impressive continuity from age 5 onward.
- Several variables influence the degree of stability of IQ scores over time
- Time between testing * Age
relevance of education
- Meta-analysis completed by Ritchie & Tucker-Drob, 2018 (University of Edinburgh)
- Exploring 42 data sets analyzed in 28 studies (n = 600,000)
- Key finding = Each additional year of education as associated with 1-5 additional IQ points