Week 3 Quiz Vocab Flashcards
Union of egg and sperm at the beginning of pregnancy
Type of reproduction where cells replace and repair themselves
Another type of reproduction where germ cells are dividing & halving their chromosomal count from 46 to 23 to produce gametes
Described egg formation which begins during fetal life in the female
Means the sperm and egg united together
Occurs when a male reaches puberty by testes releasing androgens in order to form sperm
zona pellucida
thick inner layer around the ovum
corona radiata
outer layer of ovum formed by elongated cells
Removal of protective coat from the head of sperm
Union of the human egg and sperm in the ampulla or outer third of fallopian tube
zonal reaction
When an egg is impenetrable to other sperm
mitotic cellular replication
solid ball of cells
part of that gives rise to placenta
part that gives rise to the embryo
Product of a recognizable cavity that describes the whole embryo
Burrowing of the trophoblast into the endometrium until the blastocyst is covered
Chorionic villi
Fingerlike projections that receive o2 and nutrients while also getting rid of CO2 into moms blood
decidua basalis
Portion directly under blastocyst where villi tap into maternal blood vessels
Upper layer of embryonic disk; gives rise to epidermis where all skin, nails, ns, eye, and tooth
Middle layer that gives rise to bones and teeth, muscles, and connective tissue, cardiovascular, spleen, and urogenitals
Lower layer that gives rise to respiratory and digestive systems, organs like liver, pancreas, urethra, bladder, and vagina. Roof of yolk sac
embryo stage
day 15 to 8 weeks
most critical time of organ development and external features
Substances and exposures that can cause abnormalities in child
Develops from trophoblast and contains chorionic villi on surface
inner cell membrane
amniotic fluid
maintains constant fetal body temp
source of oral fluid and respiratory waste
assisting in maintenance of fluid & electrolytes
Having less than 300 mL of amniotic fluid
hydradamnios or polyhydraminos
Having more than 2L of amniotic fluid
nuchal cord
Cord is wrapped around the fetal neck
human chorionic gonadoptropin
protein hormone can be detected in the maternal serum by 8-10 days after conception shortly after implantation
human placental lactogen
chorionic somatotropin
Braxton hicks contractions
painless contractions that occur intermittently after the first trimester in order to enhance movement of blood
fetus stage
9 weeks till pregnancy ends
capability of the fetus to survive outside the uterus and is usually defined by fetal weight and pregnancy duration for statistical purposes
ductus arteriosus
special circulatory pathway that bypasses the lungs bc fetal lungs do not do gas exchange
ductus venosus
one of the two branches that branches in the liver on its way to the atrium but first mixing with deoxygenated blood of the fetal legs and abdomen
foramen ovale
an opening into the left atrium where deoxygenated blood that is from the fetal lungs and through the pulmonary veins
formation of blood that occurs in the yolk sac beginning in the third week
Surface-active phospholipids, in amniotic fluid is used to determine the degree of fetal lung maturity or the ability of lungs to function after birth
L/S ratio
measure of lecithin in relation to sphingomyelin
- when it reaches 2:1 ration that means the lungs are mature
fetal waste products that accumulate in the intestines as dark green to black, tarry colored which is normally passed through the rectum at 24 hrs of birth
vernix caseosa
material that protects
very fine hairs on the eyebrows and upper lips which eventually grow to cover the entire body
dizygotic twins
two zygotes formed by fertilization of separate sperm
monozygotic twins
development from one fertile ovum and then dividing
Deficiency of oxygen in the blood
Occurs when hypoxemia is untreated and there is an inadequate supply of oxygen to the cells that can cause metabolic acidosis
increased hydrogen content (decreased ph)
intermittent ausculatation
Listening to fetal heart sounds at periodic intervals to assess the FHR
contraction intensity
usually described as mild, moderate, or strong
contraction frequency
measured in minutes
resting tone
tone described as soft or hard in between when contractions occur
spiral electrode
part of the internal mode of the electronic fetal monitoring system that assesses the FHR and intrauterine pressure catheter
ultrasound transducer
type of transducer that works by reflecting high frequency sound waves off a moving interface such as fetal heart and valves
toco transducer
measures UA transabdominally
montevideo units
subtracting the baseline uterine pressure from peak contraction pressure for each contraction within a 10 minute window .
Then add together the pressures by each contraction that occurs during that period of time
Baseline fetal heart rate
Avg heart rate during 10 minutes - but does not include any abnormalities in HR such as variability, changes, or more than 25/beats per min
irregular waves of fluctuations in baseline FHR of 2 cycles per min or greater
baseline FHR greater than 160
baseline FHR less than 110 beats
abrupt increase in FHR above baseline or 160
Periodic changes
occur with UCs
Episodic changes
not associated with UCs
Early deceleration
visual and gradual decrease in and return to baseline FHR associated with UCs
Late deceleration
visual and gradual decrease in and return to baseline FHR
Variable deceleration
a noticeable and abrupt decrease in FHR below baseline 110
prolonged deceleration
noticeable decrease in FHR of at least 15 beats/min below baseline and lasting longer than 2 min while still being less than 10 min
infusion of room temp isotonic fluid into uterine cavity