Week 2 Quiz Vocab Flashcards
Family planning
Conscious decision on when to conceive or avoid pregnancy throughout reproductive years
Intentional prevention of pregnancy
Birth control
Device or practice used to decrease risk of conceiving
Inform of
Benefits Risks Alternatives Inquiries Decisions Explanations Documentation
Contraceptive failure rate
Percent of contraceptive users who have an unplanned pregnancy
Coitus interruptus
The pull out method lol
Fertility awareness-based methods or FAB
Periodic abstinence or NFP — avoidance of intercourse during fertile periods
Calendar rhythm method
Standard days method
A contraceptive technique that tracks 6 months at least and figures out the fertile period
Similar bu with Fixed number of day of fertility for each cycle
Two day method
Uses cervical secretion presence of 2 days to tell if she is in fertile period
Cervical mucus ovulation detection method
Studying your own mucus close to ovulation for several months using finger or tissue
Basal body temperature method
Using lowest body temp of the day for a healthy person - and if there is a slight drop in temp due to ovulation and then rises after. If it stays risen then you’re pregnant.
Sympththermal method
Combines BBT and cervical mucus check
Marquette model
Uses test strips to measure urinary metabolites of estrogen and Lh
Reduce sperm mobility
Sheath that covers penis
Shallow dome latex device that covers the cervix
Surgical procedures intended to render a person infertile
Induced abortion
Purposeful interruption of preganacy before 20 weeks of gestation
Elective abortion
Abortion performed at woman’s request
Therapeutic abortion
When there is a disease or health issue that is the reason
Prolonged time to conceive (not the same as sterility!)
Semen analysis
Assesses sperm number, morphology, and motility
Intrauterine insemination
Prepared sperm is placed in uterus at ovulatoin
In vitro fertilization embryo transfer
Remove eggs, fertilize them in lab, and then put them back once normal embryo development takes place
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
Selection of one sperm to inject into egg (used with IVF-ET)
Assisted hatching
The zona pellucida is penetrated to create an opening fo the dividing embryo to hach and implant into uterine wall
Gamete intrafllopian transfer
Oocytes are taken and put into a catherter with sperm and then transferred into the fimbria section of the uterine tube to try for fertilization
Zygote intrafalopian transfer
Similar to IVF-ET
The ova are placed in one uterine tube during zygote stage
Donor oocyte
Donated eggs that become inseminated , transferred into uterus, and then recieves hormone therapy
Donor embyro
Donated embyro transferred to uteres of infertile woman at the appropriate time of her cycle
Surrogate mother (embryo host)
Mother who carries fetus until birth
Therapeautic donoor insemination
Donor sperm is used to inseminate female
Uterine displacement
When the uterus has a variation of normal placement.
Posterior displacement is when it is tilted posteriorly
Uterine prolaps
A serious type of uterine displacement. Can be mild to complete.
Pelvic relaxation
Weakness of pelvic support structures
When the bladder protrudes downwards into the vagina and causes vesicovaginal injury
When the anterior rectal wall becomes herniated
Large bulge appearance
Perforations between genital tract organs
Urinary incontinence
Involuntary leakage of urine
Follicular cyts
Cyst that develops in ovaries due to the Graafian follicle failing to rupture.
When it ruptures it is extremely painful
Corpus Luteum cyst
Increased fluid in the corpus luteum due to progesterone increase after ovulation
Theca-lutein cyst
Cyst formed because of prolonged stimulation of ovaries because of hCG or human chorionic gonadtropin
Polycistic ovarian syndrome
Due to an endocrine imbalance.
Increased levels of estrogen, testosterone, and LH, and less FSH
Can be transferred as an X-linkd or autosomal dominant trait
Follicular cysts develop on ovaries and produce estrogen causing ovaries to double in size
Dermoid cysts
Germ cell tumors from childhood which contains hair, teeth, secretions, and bones
Ovarian fibromas
Solid ovarian neoplasm developed from connective tissue after menopause
Uterine polyps
Tumors that are pedicles arising from mucosa
Leiomymoas or fibroid tumors
Slow growing benign tumors arising from the muscle of the uterus
Uterine artery embolization
PVA pellets are injected into selected blood vessels to block blood supply of fibroid to make it shrink
Surgical Removal of tumor
- allows for future pregnancy
Removes entire uterus
Done if bleedin is severe of fibroid obstructions normal functioning of organs
Batholin cysts
Most common benign lesions of vulva that arises from batholin duct
Vulvar pain syndrome
Or vulvar pain
Endometrial cancer
Cancer of the endometrium
Radical hysteroctomy
Abdominal hysterectomy with wide excision of parametrial tissue laterally and uterosacral ligaments posteriorly
Ovarian cancer
Cancer of the ovary
Symptoms are vague and hard to diagnose
Cervial cancer
Cancer of cervix
Third most common reproductive cancer
Carcinoma in situ
Diagnosed when the full thickness of epithelium is replaced w cancerous cells
Squamoas intraepithelial lesions
Describes neoplastic changes in abnormal cervical reports
Transformation zone
Where preinvasive lesions often originate from
Examination of the cervix with binocular microscope that magnifies the cervix
Removal of tissue from the body
Removal of cone tissue from exocervix or endocervix
Partial or complete radical
Types of procedures done for CIS and invasive cancer
Skinning removes the superficial skin of the vulva
Simple removes all the vulva
Partial or radical is when there is either partial vulva removed or all of it
Inguinal node biopsy
Removal of nodes of the groin
Sentinel node biopsy
Using blue dye to find tumor ste
Myasthenia gravis
Automimmune disorder that affects motor function of the myoneural junction and causes muscle weakness
Not enough hydrochloric acid in stomach juice
Gallstones in gallbaldder
Inflammatory bowel disease
Ulcerative colitis and crohns
Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Persistent presence of bacteria inside the urinary tract of women without showing symptoms
Bladder infection
Renal infection
Inadequate blood sugar for infant and mother
Disease afects the structure and function of the heart
Neonatal sepsis
Early onset
Significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality
A systemic inflammatory response that occurs due to infection
Early onset sepsis: invasive bacterial infection of the blood that occurs first 7 days of life
Late onset sepsis : 7-30 days , maternally derived or iatrogenic cause
Congenital rubella syndrome
Cataracts or gluacoma (most common)
Hearing loss
Cardiac defects
Reproductive tract infection
Inlcudes STIs and other genital tract infections
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Infectious process that involves uterine tubes, uterus, and ovaries and peritoneal surfaces.
Commonly caused by chlamydia
Zika virus
Spread through bites of Aedes mosquitos or by semen
Yeast infection
TORCH infections
Group of organisms/infections that can cross the placenta