Week 3 Q Flashcards

  1. Fully describe the function of the inspector during a hydro test.

Before pressure test
- Is the test procedure approved?
- Is it the correct vessel?
- Ensures the pressure gauges used have current calibration stickers
-Removes all persons not directly involved with the test from the immediate test area.
-Removes pressure relief valves or non-reclosing relief device from the vessel or test boundary where the test pressure will exceed the set pressure of the valve OR Holds down each valve by means of an appropriate test clamp and pressurizes both sides of non-reclosing relief devices Installs temporary, higher-rated devices where practical.
-Installs the calibrated test gauge so it is visible at all times.
-Ensures the skillet blanks or test plugs or clamps are appropriate for use and are free of obvious defects.
During pressure test
-Fills and vents system as necessary to remove as much air as practical
-Ensures that water used for the test is at not less than ambient temperature, but in no case less than the test temperature specified on the test procedure.
-Ensures that the correct water is use with less than 50 PM of Chlorine.
-Pressurizes the system, raising the pressure in the system gradually until the designated test pressure is achieved
-Maintains this test pressure for 10 minutes before inspection.
-Then, if test is above maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP), reduces to Inspection pressure while making a full thorough inspection for leaks.
-Ensures the metal temperature at the time of the hydrostatic test does not exceed the max temperature.
- If there is evidence of structural distortion, either rejects the system or repairs as advised by the engineer

-If there is leakage in the system, performs the following as appropriate:
a)Ensure repairs is performed and redo the hole test
b) or Rejects the system
- after pressure test
-When the test is completed, vents the test pressure to atmosphere
- Make sure the top vent is open and is big enough for draining to prevent that a vacuumed is formed.
-Make sure the water have a proper drainage path.
- Check that the calibrated relief devices are refitted to normal configuration.
-inspect the vessel again and look for any plastic deformation
- complete and sign the test report
-Place a copy in the data book.

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Checks during PWHT

  1. check if PWHT is to be conducted direct after welding while pre-heat is still maintained or not.
  2. check if PWHT procedure/temp range are approved by all relevant parties
  3. check that TC’s are located correct as is indicated on PWHT
    4, check that insulation is correctly supplied and heating bands in correct position
  4. check calibration of heating elements
  5. check that PWHT temp are correct
  6. check heating band period (not to exceed that prescribed in procedure)
  7. check that the holding period is correct
  8. sign heat treatment chart, initials surname and date
  9. check cooling rate to be correct
  10. check that heating elements are switched off at the correct temperature
  11. check if cooling under insulation is required after switch off
  12. visual inspection of color change (due to over heating)
  13. conduct a hardware test to ensure material still meets the requirements (double check)
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Why is a pneumatic pressure test dangerous?

  1. it is heavier than air and displaces all oxygen
  2. contain a great amount of stored energy when rapidly expanded (I 100 times)
  3. invisible and deadly
  4. Minimum brittle fracture temp. could be exceeded when not controlled
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What can be done to increase the fotique life of a welded structure?

  1. reduce stress concentration at toes of welds
  2. contour weld joints by grinding smooth
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Advantages of quality control plan


A good Quality Control Plan may be used as an effective production or process plan to sequence the job through all its necessary operations.
It will ensure that all inspection hold and witness points are highlighted and that no operation is onitted.

It serves as a guide for both the supervision and inspection personnel and ensures that all necessary NDI operations are allowed for and relevant qualified operators are available as reguired.
The signing off of the CP operations as the job progresses serves as a confirmation that each operation and its relevant inspections have been carried out.
It can act as a progress guide to indicate the percentage of the job completed:
It calls up all the relevant drawings, procedures and• specifications for the manufacturing and inspection of the Job, thus arsisting in ensuring that they are available when needed.
It is the main document contained in the data book on completion of the joh and provides a dated record of each operation and inspectión.

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Content of the quality control plan


The following is a list of the typical contents of a quality control plan:
a) The sequence of events.
Showing the order of each event
by operation number and a description of each event. This to include not only the manufacturing sequence but also the sequence of inspection and testing as applicable:
This would be such events in sequence as follows:
1. Mark out holes on plate as per drawing reguirements.
Inspect hole locations prior to drilling operation.
Drill holes as per drilling procedure.
b) The applicable performance data or instruction document for each event. This would include such documents ag manufacturing drawings, absenbly procedures, welding procedures, NDI procedures, painting procedures, and any
other work instructions, procedures or documents to provide information or instruction in order to perform the event.
c) The
applicable acceptance griteria for each event.
This would include such documents as the manufacturing code or specification and any supplementary custoner specifications.

d) The provision for the identification of records required by each contracting party. This would be an area on the eCP which would allow the contracting party to indicate whether they required a record for that event.
e) The identification of each record as required by each contracting party.. This would be an area on the QCP which can be used to enter the record number as applicable for
purposes of traceability.
I) Recording which events are to be witnessed by which contracting party. This would be an area on the QCP which can be used to indicate which events are required to be witnessed by which contracting party and what type of inspection status i to be applied by each party.
Typical inspection requirements nay be as follows:
H - Hold Point This would be when the party would wish to observe the inspection of event to ensure conformance with acceptance criteria and further work which is dependent on inspection results is not pernitted to continue without that parties clearance.
W - Witness Point - This may be when the party would be informed of the date and time of the inspection or event but the supplier is permitted to continue with curther work after the inspection, if the party does not attend.
s - Surveillance Point - This nay be when the party would wish to verify, the inspection or event by random inspection or by documentation checks.

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List ten main headings in the ISO 3834:2005 Quality requirements for the welding of metallic materials-Part 2
Briefly discuss each one in relation to fabrication activities

  1. Contract and design review.
    The manufacturer shall review the contractual requirements and the design data provided by the purchaser or in-house data for construction designed by the manufacturer
  2. Subcontracting.
    When a manufacturer intends to use sub-contracted services (eg. welding, inspection, NDT, heat treatment), all relevant specifications shall be supplied by the manufacturer to the subcontractor. The subcontractor shall provide such records and documentation of his work as may be specified by the manufacturer.
  3. Welding personnel.
    The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent personnel for the planning and supervision of the welding production according to specified requirements.
  4. Inspection testing and examination personnel
    The manufacturer shall have at his disposal sufficient and competent: personnel for the planning, supervision and inspection, testing of the welding production according to specified requirements.
  5. Equipment
    The manufacturer shall maintain a list of essential equipment used for welding production and testing
  6. Welding activities
    The manufacturer shall carry out adequate production planning, compatible with the facilities required by this standard.
  7. Welding consumables
    Responsibilities and procedures involved in the control of welding consumables shall be specified by the manufacturer.
  8. Storage of parent materials
    Storage shall be such that the material will not be adversely affected.
    Identification shall be maintained during storage.
  9. Post weld heat treatment.
    The manufacture shall be fully responsible for the specification and performance of any post weld heat treatment.
  10. Welding related inspection and testing,
    Inspection and testing shall be implemented at appropriate points in the manufacturing process to assure conformity with contract requirements.
  11. Non-conformance and corrective action
    Measures shall be implemented to control items which do not conform to specified requirements in order to prevent their inadvertent use.
  12. Calibration
    The manufacturer shall be responsible for the appropriate calibration of inspection, measuring and testing equipment.
  13. Identification and traceabillisy
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Basic things on a pwht report


Thermal couple placement
Heating rate
Soaking time
Cooling rate
Soaking temp
Insolation band
Thickness of material
Acceptance criteria

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