Week 3 PP Flashcards
What is Dovetailing?
Dovetailing is when a second patient is placed into the schedule during another scheduled patient’s treatment - minor type of treatment can be accomplished in less than 1 unit of time.
Ex: While a patient is waiting for anesthetic to take effect, another patient can be seen or while the dental assistant is making and cementing a temporary crown the dentist can move to another operatory to complete a procedure
When is Dovetailing an option?
1. When anesthetic is taking affect
2. While final impression is setting
3. When RDA places temp restorations
4. When RDA places temp crown
4. When RDA is performing skill (matrix/liners/dental dam)
Type of procedure (for dentist):
1. Suture removal
2. Denture adjustment/check
3. Bite adjustment
4. Post-op dressing change
5. Ortho check
6. Insert night guard
Preparing for Appointments
- Confirm appointments and record responses for all appointments
- Check medical histories for medical alerts and antibiotic prophylaxis.
- Check outstanding account balances.
- Check for lab cases.
Preventive Recall
A recall system, also known as a continuing care program, is designed to help patients return in a timely manner for treatment (recall/hygiene).
A business assistant is respoonsible for ensuring that patients are placed on a recall and are notified when it’s tie for them to return to the office.
What is common recall period ?
Most common recall period is 6 months
- patients could also be placed on a 3 month or 4 month recall depending on their hygiene needs
- this may involve only scaling
Calculating the 6 Month Recall
The recall is 6 months + 1 day. So for example if a patient was seen on Jan 17 their 6 month recall would be July 18.
The 6 months + 1 day is an insurance rule.
Recall System
When the patient is in the office for their last appointment, they could be booked in advance for their recall appointment.
- patients could be given a card with the date and time, or an email or text could be sent.
- reminders are sent out 2 weeks prior to the scheduled appointment
- appointments are then usually again confirmed by a telephone, text or email a couple of days before the appointment
Computer Appointment System
Patient’s preference can be programmed into
the computer recall system.
Recall list can be generated (usually monthly) of
patients who are due for appointments.
Recall appointments typically consist of:
-Recall exam
-X-rays if not done in the last year
-Scaling (if required)
Written Recall Notification
Recall cards/post cards are sometimes sent to remind the patient that they are due for an appointment.
* These are usually sent at the beginning of the month
* Patients are then expected to call the office to book their appointments once they receive the card
Recall by Telephone
The business assistant calls each patient that is due for their recall appointment to schedule
them in.
* A list of names is kept as well as when each patient is due to come in
* Notes are made beside each patient called
* Is the most time-consuming method, but more effective than written reminders
Gathering financial information - what is required?
Name, address, phone number(s), place of employment, insurance coverage information, and information for all individuals included in the account
Fee presentation:
An estimated fee is developed as part of a treatment plan. The “fee for service” represents a fair return to the dentist for the professional treatment provided.
After the case has been presented to the patient, the business assistant will discuss the fees and make financial arrangements with the patient.
One copy is given to the patient and the other is kept in the office records.
Making Financial Arrangements:
-Made with the person responsible for the account before scheduling the appointment (before treatment is initiated)
-This is done in a private setting where others cannot overhear
-Patient will sign a contract for the agreed amount
-All financial arrangemets are recorded in the ledger
Accounts Receivable
The maintenance of financial records from all transactions related to the collection of fees for professional services
The business assistant has the responsibility of keeping the money safe, recording transactions accurately and respecting the confidentiality of the information being held
Accounts receivable bookkeeping systems are:
1. Computerized system or
2. Manual Pegboard system
Payment Plans
Can be set up for complex procedures which are more expensive
- monthly payment plans can be set up
Computerized Accounts Receivable
- it is essential that the information entered is correct so that accurate account totals and summaries are created
- other management reports can also be generated automatically by the system
Peg Board Accounts Receivable
Also known as a one-write system, accounts are manually entered via single entry
*Not very common anymore due to advancements in digital technology
What is a charge slip?
(routing slip or superbill) transmits
financial information from the treatment area to
the business office.
Contains all the procedures completed in the
office during that visit.
These procedures are then posted into the
accounts receivable system.
What is a walk out statement?
similar to a receipt but it
shows the current account balance. It is given typically to patients who do not pay in full.