Week 3: NEO-PI Flashcards
Who developed the original NEO?
Costa and McCrae in 1985
When was the NEO revised to NEO PI and why?
Included Agreeableness and Conscientiousness based on Jungian and Gough’s folk concepts
When was the NEO PI revised to include the full domains and facet scales (NEO PI-R)
with 5 full domains and 6 facet scales for each domain
Personality tests can tell you whether you are a good or bad person.
True or False
They can only tell you how much of each trait you have.
What is the NEO-FFI
A brief version of the test
Just measures 5 domains and not the facet scales
Published in 1989
How are the scores structured for the NEO-PI
Raw scores and given a standard score (T score) with a mean of 50 and standard deviation of 10
What is a major criticism of the standardisation of the NEO-PI
It has involved samples which are mainly WEIRD (white, educated, rich)
Who can the NEO PI-R be administered to?
People aged btwn 17 - 89 years
Who can the NEO PI-3 be administered to?
People aged btwn 12 - 99 years
How is the NEO PI-3 different from the NEO PI-R
It has replaced 37 items with statements which are more easily understood
What is the NEO based on?
The 5 Factor model of personality
Openness to experience
What do the items on the NEO PI-R capture?
Typical behaviour patterns
Feelings and opinions
Attitudes - towards self, others and situations
In terms of validity and reliability studies, what is the consensus for the NEO PI-R
Studies have shown the test reliability and validity is generally favourable compared with other tests
What was the internal consistency (coefficient alpha) and short-term test-retest reliabilities for the Big 5, NEO-PI-3 and NEO PI-R
In terms of the facet scales, what has reliability been like?
Most have good internal consistency but some fall under .70
Which facet scales has the worst reliability score?
Openness to Action (.54)
However, it has been found to be generally comparable to psychometrically sound
What is the test-retest reliability ratings for the facet scales
Acceptable (.70 - .91)
What is the overall reliability of the Big 5 personality domains and facet scales
Adequate / good
Five factors can be replicated reliably for a range of different populations with different genders, cultures, races and ages
True or false?
What have studies indicated the NEO PI-R is able to predict in terms of outcomes?
Dysfunction in relationships and at work
Participation in pleasurable activities
General mental well being, vocational interests
Attachment styles and defence mechanisms
Is the NEO PI-R valid when using with diverse groups
There is significant support to reflect the emergence of the same 5 factors across different cultural groups
What do women tend to score higher on when compared with men?
Higher scores for extraversion are tend to be found in which populations?
European populations generally have higher scores in extraversion
in comparison to African and Asian populations
What aspect of personality is not accounted for in the 5 factor model for Chinese populations
Interpersonal relatedness
What is the 6th trait which forms part of the HEXACO model?
What does HEXACO stand for?
Openness to experience
What are the key strengths of the NEO-PI
Doesn’t focus on pathology, but exteme scores can indicate abormal behaviours
Can be administered on both ‘normal’ and pathologically orientated populations (other measures are limited to pathologically orientated populations)
Can be administered in a range of different settings
Language in scoring and interpretations is relatively accessible to a wide range of users
What are some of the key limitations of the NEO-PI
Cannot be used as a standalone measure in clinical settings
Results can be easily faked due to a lack of solid validity scales - something to be aware of in forensic and recruitment contexts
The personality characteristics, including a Big 5 and facet scores are based on a continuum.
What does it mean if a person’s score is further from the mean when compared with average scores for that age group?
It means that the traits with scores which are further from the mean are more likely to be distinctive in terms of personality traits for that person
What does it mean if the scales all have a normal, bell-shaped distribution in terms of scores?
It means that only a few individuals will have extremely high or extremely low scores
What can be attained by reviewing five factor scores
A general description about a personality
What can be attained by reviewed the facet scales?
More detailed information about personality
If facet scores don’t align with the overall factors, what might this mean?
It might highlight a unique feature that that person
What are the general rules when assessing validity of a person’s profile (e.g. whether it’s been answered honestly)?
The profile is not valid if more than 40 items are missing
If total number of strongly agree/agree statements is less than 51 or more than 149 = proceed with caution
Consider excluding responses which have the same answer in a row, e.g. 9 disagree in a row.
What makes up the basis for interpreting the NEO PI-R
Individual scales, facet-domain comparisions and paired domain comparisons
When is response distortion (faking answers) likely to be an issue?
In recruitment contexts it may be an issue
What are the 3 self report validity questions included in the test?
Has the person been honest
Have they responded to all items
Have they marked responses in appropriate places
What raw score on the Inconsistency Scale signals that random responding may be present in test results?
A score of 10 and over
Negative Presentation Management and Positive Presentation Management highlight what?
When someone is trying to present themselves in a particular light.
What scores can indicate Negative Presentation Management?
15 + in a general setting
11+ in recruitment settings
What scores can indicate Positive Presentation Management?
25+ in general settings
34+ in recruitment settings
Which settings should clinicians be wary of using validity scales when making decisions about invalid test results
Clinicians should be wary of using them in clinical settings
How many items are on the NEO PI-R and the NEO-PI-3
240 items
How can the tests be administered
Pen and paper
What are the two different forms which can be administered
Form S (self)
Form R (peer, expert, spouse)
How many languages has the test been translated into?
More than 50 languages
What are ‘styles’?
Pairs of domain scores which are used for various purposes
The Homebody
Mainstream Consumer
Creative Interacter
are all which type of style?
Style of interests
Composed of Extraversion and Openness
Reflects what activities the person prefers to engage in
Which domains are part of the Style of Interactions
Extraversion and Agreeableness
It involves how others treat social interactions with others
Upbeat Optimist
Gloomy Pessimist
Overly Emotional
Low Keyed
are from which type of style?
Style of Wellbeing
Comprised of Extraversion and Neuroticism
Relates to person’s internal emotional world
The Style of Defense is based on which two domains?
Openness and Neuroticism
Related to how one reacts to personal difficulties
Cold Blooded
The Temperamental
The Timid
are from which type of style?
Style of Anger Control
Made up of Neuroticism and Agreeableness
Includes the experience and expression of anger
are from which type of style?
Style of Impulse Control
Made up of Neuroticism and Conscientiousness
Relates to ability to maintain self control
are from which type of style?
Style of Activity
Made up of Extraversion and Conscientiousness
Relates to how individuals approach life and tasks they take on
Resolute Believer
Free Thinker
The Progressive
are from which type of style?
Style of Attitude
Made up of Openness and Agreeableness
Relates to person’s values and beliefs and how much they are influenced by others vs. themselves
Reluctant Scholar
Good Student
By the Booker
are from which type of style?
Style of Learning
Made up of Openness and Conscientiousness
Relates to the type of student/scholar the individual is
Effective Altruist
are from which type of style?
Style of Character
Made up of Agreeableness and Conscientiousness
Relates to desire and ability to behave in either self-focused or other-focused ways.
are all facets of which domain?
Openness to Experience
What is the Openness to Experience domain associated with?
Imagination, curiosity, enjoyment of abstract ideas and thinking.
People high in O might be quirky and unusual, open to different experiences and enjoy novelty.
Achievement striving
are all facets of which domain?
What is the Conscientiousness domain associated with?
High motivation and drive to achieve.
High scorers tend to set and achieve goals through thorough planning and organisation.
May be perfectionists, compulsive and judgemental towards others
Excitement seeking
Positive emotions
are all facets of which domain?
What is the Extraversion domain associated with?
How sociable and outgoing an person is, and whether they prefer to be around others or are perhaps more introverted.
High scorers tend to enjoy being amongst people, can be aggressive and socially dominant at the extreme end.
Low E may prefer solitude
are all facets of which domain?
What is the Agreeableness domain associated with?
How much a person is kind and trusting of others and believes that this behaviour will be reciprocated.
Low A scores reflect a tendency to mistrust others, be competitive and expect conflict in their relationships
Angry hostility
Self consciousness
are all facets of which domain?
What is the Neuroticism domain associated with?
Tendency for emotional stability, turmoil and distress.
Well studied trait that is thought to underpin a range of emotional issues.
What is considered a high T score?
anything over 55 (T > 55)
What is considered a low T score?
anything under 45 (T < 45)
What is the Neuroticism domain associated with?
Tendency for emotional stability, turmoil and distress.
Well-studied trait that is thought to underpin a range of emotional issues.