WEEK 3 : hypovolemic shock Flashcards
anaphylactic shock
immediate release of mediators ( histamine )
what are some early signs ?
swelling of the airway
diff breathing
skin flushed, urticaria hives
are hr and bp an early signs
yes this is true
what are the late signs of anaphylactic shock
vs, increased serum lactate ( acidotic ) , anuria, ishcemic gut, dic
anaphylactic shock : rn care
what is our first line treatment ?
epinephrine ( first line treatment ) treatment for the bp and heart rate
what is the second like of treatment when it comes to anaphylactic shock : rn care
benadryl, bronnchodialators , corticosteroids
fluid replacement :
- 2 large bore IVS
- istonic crystalloid ( 0.9% NS )
-colloids ( albumin )
are these true : when it comes to anaphylactic shock : rn care
establish cardaic monitoring - telemetry
frquent vs ( hr and bp) positoning
inset foley catheter
prepare for transfer to icu
why do we want to get a large bore ivs
we gotta get blood pressure up and making sure bp and oxygen check
watch them closely
hypovolemic shock
low blood volume related to?
blood loss
vomiting, diarrhea, poor intake
fluid shift
Hypovolemic shock early signs ( may survive with aggressive tx )
hr will increase, bp will decrease
decrease UO
Hypovolemic shock : late signs ( will not likely survive )
cold clammy, mottled
bradycardia and decreased BP
increased lactate
anuria, ischemic guit, DIC
what are the late signs ( will not likely survive ) for hypovolemic shock signs
cold clammy, mottled
bradycardia and decreased bp
increased lactate
anuria, ischemic gut, and DIC ( Disseminated intravascular coagulation)
true or false. not enough circulating fluid volume
and they can become acidotic and pt is agitated their hr will increase , bp is also decreased
why is lactate is high ?
Hypovolemic shock : RN care
Treat underlying cause - return OR ??
yes they are going to return to the OR
Hypovolemic Shock: RN care
fluid replacement
- 2 large bore IVS
- isotonic crystalloids (0.9% NS)
- colloids ( albumin )
- blood
- Frequent VS (HR & BP)
- Establish cardiac monitoring – telemetry
- O2
- Insert Foley catheter
- Prepare for transfer to ICU
this is typically seen as a hypovolemic shock : rn care ?
is this true or false? may be bleeding internally ( bore IVs and a lot of fluids going in ) but may nee to return to or
treat underlying cause
need bp up and once again frequency vs