Week 3 - Geriatric Functional Assessments Flashcards
What assessments can be used to measure balance?
- Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB)
- Functional Reach Test
What are the components in SPPB?
- Sit to stand x5 (hand to hold arms)
- Balance (side by side, semi tandem stand, tandem stand)
- Walking speed (4 meters at normal pace)
What is the score if the client complete the repeated chair stand in less than 11.1 seconds?
Score of 4
What is the score if the client complete the repeated chair stand within 16.6 seconds?
Score of 2
What is the score if the client complete the repeated chair stand in 13 seconds?
Score of 3
What is the score if the client complete the repeated chair stand in more than 16.7 seconds?
Score of 1
What is the score if the client can hold the standing positions (semi-tandem, side by side) for less than 10 seconds?
Score of 1
What is the score if the client can hold the semi-tandem stand for 10 seconds and tandem stand for 3 seconds?
Score of 3
What is the score if the client can hold the semi-tandem stand for 10 seconds and tandem stand for 2 seconds?
Score of 2
What is the score if the client can hold the side by side stand for 10 seconds and semi-tandem stand for 7 seconds?
Score of 1
What is the score if the client can hold the side by side stand for 9 seconds?
Score of 0
What is the score if the client completes the 4 meters walk in 9 seconds?
Score of 1
What is the score if the client completes the 4 meters walk in 8.7 seconds?
Score of 2
What is the score if the client completes the 4 meters walk in 4 seconds?
Score of 4
What is the score if the client completes the 4 meters walk in 5.5 seconds?
Score of 3
What does a score of 5 in the SPPB means?
Client has low physical function
What does a score of 8 in the SPPB means?
Client has moderate physical function
What does a score of 11 in the SPPB means?
Client has high physical function
What does a score of 3 in the SPPB means?
Client has very low physical function
What is the cut off point for Functional Reach Test?
Score of 6 inches or less = significant increased risk of falls
What assessments can be used to measure mobility?
Timed-Up and Go Test
- client to walk at normal pace, with mobility aid if using
- feet to be flat on the floor with 1 in front of the other and hands on the chair
- timing of more than 14 seconds is associated with fall risk
What assessments can be used to measure clients psychosocial status?
- Fall Efficacy Scale - International (FES-I): measuring daily activities that are fall related
- Fall Behavioural Scale (FaB): related to things we do in our everyday life; take total score divided by total number of items tested
- The Activity-Specific Balance Confidence Scale (ABC): <50% indicates low level of physical functioning
- Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS): score of >5 indicates depression
What assessments can be used to measure clients cognitive status?
- Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT): score of < 8 indicates cognitive impairment -> further assessment
- Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE): score of < 23 indicates cognitive impairment
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA): score of < 26 indicates mild cognitive impairment
- Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment (LOTCA): multiple area of cognitive assessment
What assessments can be used to measure clients self-care activities?
- Modified Barthel Index (MBI): ADLs
- Frenchay Activities Index: IADL after stroke
- Lawton IADL Scale: IADL
- Assessment of Living Skills & Resources (ALSR): individual’s IADL performance, skills & resources
What assessments can be used to measure clients leisure?
- Interest checklist
- Activity Card Sort (ACS)
What are some common geriatric assessments?
- Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS): to identify frailty level
- Community Mobility & Life Space: score of 60 is associated with poorer physical & cognitive function
- EQ-5D-5L: generic health status measure
- Visual Analogue Scale (VAS): pain