Week 3 (C) : POLICING AND ETHNIC MINORITIES 3: Tackling Tackling police-BAME relationships Flashcards
How is the culture within the police force being transformed, specifically in terms of recruitment ?
Targeted recruitment drives
National targets for BAME recruitment
Professionalization measures, such as policing degrees, and direct graduate entry schemes
What specific training measures are being implemented to address cultural awareness and combat racism within the police force?
Cultural awareness and anti-racism training
What are some challenges and criticisms associated with the efforts to address problems within the police culture?
Implementation problems, including practical limitations and slow progress.
There is criticism of a theory failure that tends to attribute problematic aspects of cop culture to ‘bad apples’ rather than addressing fundamental structural inequalities or a ‘rotten barrel’ scenario.
How is discretion within the police force restricted through internal policies, as outlined in the information provided?
4 things
Greater visibility of routine policing (e.g. Body Worn Cameras)
Record keeping and review (eg. officers required to record reason for stops)
Tighter line management/supervision
Stricter disciplinary code (increase risks for officers tempted to act on prejudiced views)
How is the pattern of policing being changed, specifically in relation to stop and search, racial harassment policies, and community policing?
Stop and search
- reduce overall use: not an effective method of crime control yet has huge impacts on poor community relations
- ensure when it is used it is properly intelligence-led
Improving police policies on racial harassment and attacks
Community policing – shifting from an ‘enforcement’ to a ‘problem-solving’ ethos
Why has the idea of ‘defunding’ the police gained traction, and what is its fundamental premise?
The key function of state police forces has historically been to control marginalized groups.
Liberal reform efforts are seen as ineffective, prompting the need for alternative and more just approaches to address victimization and community conflicts.
How does the concept of ‘defunding’ the police propose to reallocate resources, and what specific changes are suggested in policing scope and power?
The proposal advocates for diverting police funding into community crime prevention, mediation, and social and welfare services.
Civilian responders are proposed for handling community conflicts.
The overall scope and power of the police would be reduced, reversing ‘Mission Creep’ into areas such as schools and mental health.
What are the goals of the ‘defunding’ movement, and how does it aim to improve accountability and oversight in policing, particularly in the context of the UK?
The movement seeks to enhance local accountability and oversight mechanisms.
Although driven by US developments, arguments supporting ‘defunding’ can be applied to UK policing, as suggested by the Loader article in this week’s reading