Explain the action of nitrates
Dilates coronary arteries
Patients taking nitroglycerin should avoid which 2 substances?
- Alcohol
- ED drugs
What are the instructions for using nitroglycerin during an acute anginal episode?
- Take one tablet
- If the chest pain not relieved in 5 minutes, call 911 immediately.
- The patient may take one more tablet while awaiting emergency care and a third tablet 5 minutes later
- Take no more than three tablets total.
- Always sit or lie down before taking this medication.
What dosage form of nitro has the longest duration?
Transdermal patch
What are 3 side effects of nitroglycerin?
- Headaches, dizziness, fatigue (lie down when taking)
- Reflex tachycardia
- Tolerance
What is done to prevent developing tolerance to nitroglycerin?
Take off patch for 8 hrs at night
What is the MOST APPROPRIATE use of sublingual nitroglycerin?
To prevent angina
Calcium channel blockers are prescribed to treat which kind of angina?
Explain the action of antithrombotics
Prevents conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin by potentiating antithrombin
What is the therapeutic effect of antithrombotics?
Prevents thrombus formation and extension of existing thrombi
Name 2 examples of antithrombotics
- Heparin
- Enoxaparin
How are heparin and enoxaparin different?
Heparin is faster acting, enoxaparin lasts longer
What foods should be avoided in patients taking antithrombotics?
Foods high in vitamin K, as they will decrease the effectiveness
What 2 points regarding personal care should be included in patient teaching for antithrombotics?
- Brush teeth gently
- Use electric razors
Explain the action of stool softeners like docusate
Promotes incorporation of water into stool
Why are stool softeners prescribed to patients post MI?
Prevention of constipation in patients who should avoid straining
Explain the action of thrombolytics
Directly converts plasminogen to plasmin to degrade clot-bound fibrin
What is the therapeutic effect of thrombolytics?
Lysis of thrombi/emboli
Name 2 examples of thrombolytics
- Streptokinase
- tPA (thrombolytic plasminogen activator)
How are thrombolytics administered?
Only through a compressible site, an existing peripheral IV
What are 3 contraindications for thrombolytics?
- Active bleed (e.g. peptic ulcer)
- Hypertensive crisis
- Recent surgery (within 2 weeks)