Week 3 Flashcards
What sets the transport layer apart from the other layers?
That multiplexing and demultiplexing take place in it.
What is the medium through which multiplexing and demultiplexing take place?
A 16 bit number that’s used to direct traffic to specific services running on a networked computer.
Destination port
The port of the service the traffic is intended for
Source port
A high-numbered port chosen from a special section of ports known as ephemeral ports
Sequence number
A 32 bit number that’s used to keep track of where in a sequence of TCP segments this one is expected to be
Acknowledgement number
The number of the next expected segment
Data offset field
A 4 bit number that communicates how long the TCP header for this segment is
TCP window
Specifies the range of sequence numbers that might be sent before an acknowledgement is required
TCP checksum
Operates just like the checksum fields at the IP and the Ethernet level
Urgent pointer field
Used in conjunction with one of the TCP control flags to point out particular segments that might be more important than others.
Options field
Sometimes used for more complicated flow control protocols
Same as network level padding in datagram header. Series of zeroes to ensure header is correct length so payload begins at right point of the TCP segment
URG (Urgent) flag
A value of one here indicates that the segment is considered urgent and that the urgent pointer field has more data about this
ACK (Acknowledged) flag
A value of one in this field means that the acknowledgement number field should be examined