Week 3/4 - Freud Flashcards
Define Psychoanalysis
A theory / approach of personality
Freud’s 3 Levels of Awareness
1 = UNCONSCIOUS : currently aware of
2= PRECONSCIOUS : not always thinking of but can bring it back
3= UNCONSCIOUS : sexual / aggressive drives
Role of the Unconscious
- Dreams and Interpretations show inner though and interactions
- Manifest content of remembering the dream
- Latent content of hidden meaning of the dream
- Slips of the tongue
Define Slips of the tongue/ Freudian Slips
Making an error in speaking / writing that reflects your hidden desire
Define Psychic Energy
- Limited amount of energy for motivation
- Can choose / change where it directs
Define Cathexis
Investment of psychic energy
-Positive so pressure doesn’t build up (temporary)
- Direct to different sources eg. Pleasure / tension
3 Structures of Personality
1 = ID : present at birth , pleasure principle
2= EGO : 1st yr of life , reality principle
3= SUPEREGO : 3-5yrs moral principle
How can the 3 structures of personality [Freud] create conflict
- Conflict = shapes personality
- Due to sex and aggressive impulses
- Major consequences due to frustration
How does anxiety arise [Freud]
- Ego worrying the ID would be going out of control and do something bad
- Superego out of control = excessive guilt
Define and examples of defence mechanisms
- Mainly unconscious reactions , protect person from unpleasant emotions
- eg repression, denial ,displacement , fixation
How much does childhood influence personality?
- Psychosexual stages of development
- 2 drives of Eros (libido / life instinct) and Thanatos (aggressive / death instinct)
Features of the libido / erogenous zones
- Expressed through sexual feelings
- Development from libido to one zone to another
- Certain tasks may need to be done
How do development take place?
- Erogenous zone = sensitive to erotic stimulation
- Libido directed to zone
- To move to next stage libido must be freed from stage its in
- Tasks / Conflicts needed at each stage
- How a task is resolved shapes personality
Features of the Oral Stage
- Obtained through oral activity
- Birth to 1yr
- Oral eroticism (sucking) and oral sadism (biting)
- Fixation = oral characteristics ( smoking , eating disorders , nail biting)
Features of the Anal Stage
- 2 to 3yrs
- Anal sadistic (expulsion of faeces) and anal erotic (retain faeces)
- Task / Conflict of toilet training
- Retentive = perfection , neatness
- Expulsive = if as a child let it out at wrong time
Features of the phallic stage
- 4 to 5yrs
- Conflict over masturbation and opposite sex parent
- Opidius Complex = castration anxiety
- Electra = Penis envy , solved by repression or identification with same sex parent
Features of the Genital Stage
- Incest Taboo
- Task of intercourse with opposite sec (Eros)
- Pre genital = homosexuality
Case studies [Freud] and evaluations
- Little Hans , phobia of horses , opedius complex stage (horse = penis , castration anxiety , displacement
- Subjective , inaccuracy , emphasis on sexuality
+ More valid , generalised , unconscious forces , psychotherapy