Week 3 Flashcards
What is a conflict approach
A conflict approach to science and religion assumes that
either religion alone or science alone establishes the
standard of truth.
What is a separation approach
A separation approach assumes that science and religion by
definition cannot be in conflict with one another because
the two are concerned with different subject matter and are
completely independent ways of knowing. Religion deals
with questions of meaning and purpose, but the concern of
science is how nature works.
What is interaction approach
An interaction approach to science and religion is cognizant
of the differences between the two and is careful not to
disregard the limits of either as a way of knowing. However,
traditions and individuals who adopt an interaction approach
are open to reformulating religious doctrines in light of
current science.
What is apart of the special creation
Flat earthers
Young earth creationism
What is apart of the old earth
Gap creatonism
Day age creationism
Progressive creation
Theistic evolution
What is apart of evolution in the continuum
Atheistic evolution