Week 3 Flashcards
the heart has the ability to initiate its own electrical impulse
heart’s ability to respond to electrical stimulus
allows the heart to transmit electrical impulse from cell to cell of the myocardium
heart needs to function as one unit, so contractility allows the heart to stretch as a single unit, then passively recoil while actively contracting – ability to function as a whole unit
the heart needs to repeat is cycle in synchrony and with regularity – will have issues getting enough blood down to the heart (arrythmia) – treatment is medication or pacemaker
Which side of the heart is a low pressure system? high pressure system?
Right side of heart: low pressure system
Left side of heart: high pressure system
atrial systole
period of atrial emptying, includes atrial kick – try to make sure atrium is completely empty
atrial diastole
period of atrial filling
What is the 1st reading of BP?
ventricular systole - period of ventricular contraction
What is the 2nd reading of BP?
ventricular diastole - period of ventricular filling
What is heart pump dysfunction?
congestive heart failure
What is container dysfunction?
dysfunction of blood vessels
- HTN will cause vasoconstriction and ischemia
What does anaphylaxis and septic shock cause and lead to?
causes massive vasodilation leading to lethal hypotension
- also known as distributive shock
What is content dysfunction?
dysfunction of blood
- any kind of sustained bleeding or hemorrhaging will cause a loss of blood content
What is mean arterial pressure and what should it be?
measure of tissue perfusion - > 75 mmHg
P wave
atrial depolarization
PR interval
elapsed time between atrial depolarization and ventricular depolarization
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization and atrial repolarization
ST segment
elapsed time between end of ventricular depolarization and beginning of repolarization
QT interval
elapsed time between beginning of ventricular repolarization and end of repolarization
T wave
ventricular repolarization
What does ST depression of 1-2 mm mean?
What does ST elevation mean?
What does T wave inversion mean?